Don't Leave Me

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the three of us were left chatting and eventually, i find myself in an awkward situation.

"jungkook, where have you been? i mean, i've been wondering where you've stayed all these years." she lets out of her rusty voice box.

" a hotel with another friend of mine."

"a boy?"

here we go.

"yeah, why?"

a light chuckle escaped her lips. "you're not gay, are you?"

the sudden question had V and I's eyebrows shoot up. I clear my throat. "i-i'm sorry, what?"

"i said, you're not gay, are you?"

"oh, no. no, no.. i'm not."

She shoots a glance over at V. "is he?" I give Taehyung the 'don't you dare to fucking tell her' look.


I give him the desperate expression.

"well, you should accept him, ms. jeon. he's a very special boy and i really like your son."

I shoot a death glare.

"and we all know everybody should accept the gays in this world, and i think your son and i is two of them."

My mother's mouth dropped open and i swore it could've nearly hit the dinner table.

I stand up and the chair i once sat in, fell backwards. I bolt towards V and grip his wrist tighter than ever, pulling him out of the house.

My mother chases after me, hearing her old "you're a disgrace!" and "you'll never be accepted!"

I start the car and speeded away while V was left traumatized in the passenger seat, not even his belt buckled in.

"Jungkook, slow down!"

that makes me speed up even more.

i take a hard right and luckily, my hotel wasn't far so i ran towards it when it was caught into my vision.

V ran after me, obviously able to catch up by my side in time.

I slam the door open to our hotel room, not bothering to close it. I get to my closet, packing my bags.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?!"

"getting away from this place." A roar in my voice was loud enough to hear. I slam my suitcase and zip it, next grabbing a small backpack.

"you can't leave me here!"

"what's going on?" namjoon yells for me.


"why?! i need you!"

"you made me come out to my mom. my own damn mother! i know she'll visit me here, and i know that she'll be the mother i once knew from my childhood! i don't like her, and i don't want that to happen. i really don't!" I slam my phone and charger, followed by my headphones into the backpack i had in hand. I zip that up too and throw it onto my shoulder.

"please, kookie.. don't go!"

a burst was heard behind me. My head whips around and my eyes shoot open, my mother was there. "jungkook!" she calls my name.

"WHAT! what do you want!"

"i can't let you be like this. this isn't you. you aren't gay, jungkook! i know you aren't!"

"what if i am?! what if i liked males? and you can't stop me for what i am!"

"you know our family doesn't like you gays."

"then i'm afraid you're gonna have to not like me. cause i am, mom. i am gay."

"this isn't you,"

"it is, mom!!"

I jolt passed her, dragging my stuff behind me. Footsteps behind me were heard as i turn my head.

it was V again.

"you're not going to leave me," he glued to my arm, unable to let go. "i'm your boyfriend.."

"i know. i wont."

"what do you mean?"

"cause i'm taking you with me."

ahh sorry for not uploading in SOO long >.> i could tell you guys were waiting.

but i'll try to post now so .. yeah here you go


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