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"tell you what," Jin starts, "why don't you come over to my place to get your mind off things?" he throws me a smile.

"and do what?"

"i dunno, watch a movie or something."

I nod and smile back at him, sitting up and then pouncing to my feet. we both made and agreed to the decision of sharing a movie night together at his place. He took me to a store so we could get the stuff we needed - popcorn, candy, etc.

I pushed the door open to the small thrift store and couldn't help but notice the attractive cashier. I mean, look at him.

hair that was a grey/silver reflected in the light, which was ruffled over a red bandana that seemed to be hugging around his head. His eyes were a completely different story- like a cloudless sky on a sunny day, a diamond that stood out brighter than the rest in a goldmine. Staring into them tickled a rush in my spine. yikes. i'm definitely gay.

I seemed to freeze dead in my tracks because then i felt jin's hands force against my back, causing myself to stumble forward. "alright, alright i'm going!" I yelp.

As we were searching through items in the store, stacked one top of another, I couldn't help but steal a few glances at the cashier. What was his name? I squinted to help me look at the name tag punched into his tight t shirt.

Kim Taehyung.

I smile to myself as my fingertips traced almost every item below me. Jin has a mountain piled on top of his hands with snacks. I roll my eyes and smile, helping him carry the heavy items he had chosen.

We eventually get to the front of the line and place our snacks down, and Taehyung grabs each one by one scanning them. "hello," he says, now taking the popcorn bag in his hand. "how are you?" he smiles.

that smile.

I couldn't help but notice how unique it was- a box. but that's what made it special. When i saw him smile, it made me want to, too. Suddenly my face heat up and i felt my cheeks with my fingertips, i could tell my cheeks were blazing red. "i'm g-good..." I hesitate.

He glances up at me causing for me to shoot my eyes down. I bite my lip. I could hear him chuckle as he proceeds was he's doing, and I tried to guess what his facial expression was when i looked away. confused? annoyed? happy? excited?

"Here you go, that'll be 19.26" he says, handing jin the bag. Jin pulls out his wallet, but before i let him pay, I pulled out mine giving him the 'no, it's on me' and 'I got this.'

At first he declined, but I just gave the kind man Taehyung a 20 dollar bill. His hand brushed against mine, and I couldn't help but flinch a little of the sudden contact. It wasn't noticeable though, thankfully.

Taehyung gives me back the change and I put it in my pocket. I look up finally and make eye contact with him.

holy shit, he's cute.

for a second I didn't know what was really happening and I zoned out staring into the dreamy like eye colour he had. he must be wearing contact lenses. There's no way someone's eyes are this beautiful.

He shakes his head as if to get back to reality. He clears his throat and says "have a nice day," and I nod my head, saying "you too."

Jin and I walk out and I let out a large breath i was holding in the entire time. Jin elbows me and I chuckle, as he continues to tease me.

"do you like him or something?"

"h-he's just a cashier, there's nothing special between us." I sneak a smile.

"I know you do," Jin reads my mind.

"well, maybe..." i blurt quickly between my sigh. He laughs and playfully hits me again, as I giggle in response. "but you know how I said i wanted a new job?"

He nods. "yeah?"

"well i think that's where i want to work."


yikes okay this chapter might be absolute trash but i wanted to update today so I just quickly wrote this and had no choice.

but ye i hope whoever is reading this likes it or something cause i'm afraid it's going to be trash or something


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