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"hey, Dongheok! don't touch that!" V yells after our adopted child, swinging him into the air away from the power outlet in the wall.

"Taehyung, can you grab paper towels? Shinwoo spilled his grape juice in the couch..."

V comes back with a handful of paper towels as i wipe the couch cushion harshly.

Shinwoo, our 3 year old, laughs at me as he sees me wiping his mess.

"Shinwoo, lets watch tv together!" Dongheok suggests, grabbing after the remote.

Shinwoo claps in excitement as he nods his head sprinting to the seat next to his older (by 2 years) brother.

V and i take a seat and sigh in relief that they weren't planning anything bad.

we weren't planning to tell the kids they were adopted yet.

i mean, they weren't ready for that. how would they react anyway?

but it didn't matter at the moment. i was just happy to have kids with V.

I hear a knock on the door and i run to the front of it, swinging it open. "mom?"

she smiles kindly and hugs me suddenly.

i was hesitant. since when does she give hugs?

"what are you doing here?"

"i saw you in the streets yesterday with your kids. since i like Jimin, your friend,"

then i realized she called him a friend. i'm so damn glad she didn't find out i hooked up with him.

"-he said that you bought a house with your husband. and he asked your friend for the address, so here i am!"

i didn't know what to say, so there my mouth was, hanging wide open.

"why did you come here, though?"

"i wanted to say sorry for how i treated you two years ago. about me not being acceptive about your sexuality. but when i saw your family, i wished ours was like that. and i want to say how proud i am of you."

i beam in response and pull her into a tight hug. "i love you, mom."

and i did. i really did. even though she's put me through so much, i was thankful to have her there for me and being the reason i was here.

but overall, what i was most happy about is that she was acceptive of my family.

and turning to V, i knew we have a lot to go through during the future.

and who knows,

maybe it involves hickeys.

the end

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