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hey guys!! sorry i haven't uploaded yesterday ;-; i was busy so i had no time. but here you goo

corrected chapter *
i was filled with excitement from head to toe after V had hung up the phone.

I couldn't contain my excitement, i started beaming widely, my lips springing into a wide grin. unbelievable, i was going to see taehyung after work and be at his house.

i got to work, yet V was surprisingly there already. "oh hey," I announce, racing to his side at the back counter.

"hi," he replies, grinning. "so were you still planning to come over after work?"

"yeah! absolutely."

V (box) smiles and turns back to the front to help the costumer in front of him.


V offered me a ride after our shift was over. giving him a chance, i take the offer and plant into the passenger seat, buckling in. I comfortable silence was met between us.

"so, how old are you?" he asks me, strangely. I was questioning is curiosity. Why would he want to know me age?

"20." i add, silently.

"i'm 22."

so he's my hyung.

We continue to sit in silence and got to his house eventually, as he jangles the keys into the jammed lock and swings it open. he invites me to sit next to him on the couch, and i do.

taking the remote, he switches it to netflix.

"sorry this is so awkward. I'm not good at meeting new people." breaking the silence, he cracks up to himself.

"don't worry, neither am i." a grin was formed into my face, yet again.

"so tell me about yourself," he starts, "i'm curious."

"well, I ..."

what should i say?

"I.. like dogs."

dammit, there you go jungkook. you dumbass. what was i thinking? i look like a complete idiot now.

"I do, too. I have one, actually!" V arches his back and stands up, perambulating to a separate room. He brings out his dog and comes out snuggling it in his arms. "this is Yeontan, my dog!" he cheers.

"wow, cute!" I add, approaching the animal. "can i pet him?"

"go ahead," he smiles.

I place my hand on the fluffy fur belonging to Yeontan. stroking my hand back and forth, Yeontan i started wagging his tail and panting out his tongue.

I chuckle and pull my hand back away carefully. "you're dog is cute."

"i know right?" he gazes at yeontan and scrunches up his nose when the dog licked his face. "let's go sit back down," V eventually gets out of him trying to escape the tongue of the panting, joyful dog.

I sit down next to him and he puts yeontan on my lap. I hold the dog in place and pet it carefully.

"so, do you have many friends?" i ask out of the blue.

"well, i came close to having one but lost my chance."

puzzled, i go on. "what do you mean?"

"well, don't get me wrong, i wasn't trying to be rude, but..." V exhales, now his focus on the ceiling. "i saw this kid alone after his mom said she was going to get ice cream or something with his sister. So he was like.. what was he doing?" struggling to keep on with his story, the idea finally pops back into his head. "oh, yeah! i remember now. So he went on this swing and started going reeeaally high and was having fun, till he... looked down."

something clicked in my brain.

that was me on the swing...

he continues, "so he started yelling for his mom but he fell off, and he started crying... I was about to go and help but i wasn't sure what to do or say. Till some other kid came and was like 'dude, are you okay?' or something."

"...oh." was all i could get out.

i couldn't believe it. Taehyung saw all of that? me falling off, and jin helping me up?

"but other than that, yeah i don't really have any other friends than you."

I was shocked he didn't have many others to hang out with. I mean, cmon. look at him. "really? why?"

"well, when i was younger, but not too young, my family and I ended up moving to Seoul and i grew up here." he thinks for a moment. "but i'm not a very sociable person so i didn't go out much and that's why i don't have friends basically." he shakes his head and chuckles at himself.

"i can relate,"

"is it okay if i get this off my chest?"

"sure, anything."

"okay, so..." he sighs. "you might think i'm really weird but... my family never really 'accepted' me."

"what do you mean?"

"well, ever since i told them about my sexuality they never really believed me."


he possibly just read my mind, because he saw my facial expression and chuckled. making eye contact for a moment, he finally says:

"yeah, i'm gay."

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