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"i'm sorry... what?"

"i said i want to quit."

"you can't leave! i'll have no one to work for me if you leave!"

"sorry," I place my hands over the 'HELLO My Name is ____' with my name written in pen, pin and unhook it. I place it on the table and stand up. "i said i quit."

"jungkook... jungkook wait!"

"sir, i made my decision. You'll find someone eventually, alright?"

I begin to walk out as I leave the room and I take off. I take out my phone texting Jin to pick me up.

jungkook: hyung, please pick me up. don't be late please

jin: what? why?

jungkook: just hurry up please

jin: well how did you get there in the first place when you were over at V's??

jungkook: I took a taxi. now hurry up

jin: omw

It didn't take long after I noticed jin pulling in the parking lot. I quickly step in and throw on my seat belt.

"so what happened?"

"i quit."

"what the hell? why?"

"taehyung got fired."

"so you quit because of that?" he said, starting to drive.

"yeah, basically."

"don't you think you like him a little too much?"


"i can't believe you quit just because of this guy. i mean cmon, what's so special about him?" i heard him starting to raise his voice.

"just because he got fired doesn't mean you should quit your only job!"

"well he got caught for doing illegal things, and i was involved in some of them!"

"you've been doing illegal things, jungkook?!"

"only like two times."

"jungkook, that was your only job. just because some stranger you don't even know well gets fired, doesn't mean you fucking quit!"

that's when i knew he was getting mad. when he swore, i knew i had a lot coming for me.

"jin, you don't understand!"

"he's a stranger, jungkook. a stranger! and you barely know anything about him. you literally had no reason to quit!"

we argued back and forth till we got home. Jin slammed his car door and we dashed inside into our room.

Jin tossed the keys on his bed.

"it's not my fault i wanted to quit!"

"and you know what is your fault? doing fucking illegal things!"

"jin hyung! just stop!!" i covered my ears in guilt and looking down at the floor, hunching my back.

"jungkook, you never have enough money! never! and you quit your one and only paying job?!"

"jin!! if you think you're upset, just think of how i felt when namjoon was coming here!"

"don't you bring my boyfriend in this, jungkook."

"yeah, and you think i'm obsessed? look at you!"

"jungkook, i said don't bring namj -"

"well that's what i thought! like holy shit, you need to calm down about him. with your make out sessions and cheesy texts."

"well at least i don't text your best friend every 2 minutes fanboying about a stupid guy!"

"he's not stupid!"

"yeah, you are!!"

I lost it at that moment. I fired my anger out and slapped him right across the face.

my hand stung afterwards.

jin glared at me and grabbed his keys in anger. "i'm going out for a while. don't talk to me."

"then fucking go!"


He slams the door and i could hear his footsteps full of anger.

I begin to sob.

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