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"jin, i'll get going. i'm staying at V's tonight." I said on the other line of my phone.

"okay, have fun. But maybe you should pick up some clothes?"

"oh, okay. yeah. i'll be on my way."

I hung up the phone. We were in taehyung's car, and i was actually pretty tired.

he dropped me off quickly as i barged in not caring to catch jin and RM making out, as i grab a t shirt and some sweats followed by just one pair of skinny jeans.

I speed walk out, closing the door behind me. I get back in the car quickly and hug my clothes to my chest.

"ready to go?" V starts the car again.

"yep," I say.

"so did you catch those lovebirds making out again?" he giggles, starting to drive now.

"yeah, but i didn't care." i smile back.

"have you ever kissed a guy?"

i was shocked at the sudden question. "yeah. only a few times though."

"really? when?"

"my ex. Jimin. remember?"

"oh, yeah. i forgot about him."

"he wasn't really the best kisser though."

he laughs. "i am, though."

shit. was i blushing?

I couldn't really say anything. I mean, cmon. what are supposed to say when someone says they're a good kisser?


As we walked into his house we were greeted by yeontan.

"hi!!" He says to the dog, petting it softly. they were so cute. "did you miss me? did you?" V starts to use both hands for petting the small dog.

I cock my head and smile.

I quickly go into the washroom to change. slipping my sweats on, I step back out and sit on the couch.

V sits next to me with yeontan in his hands.

"you did a good job today," he starts, turning on the tv.

"what do you mean?"

"stealing. it wasn't bad for your first try."

"well thanks to you, i did fantastic."

"yeah because i am fantastic!" he smiles.

i giggle and playfully hit his arm.

after a few episodes of Running Man, I say that i was tired. He offers me to lay down on him.

i hesitated but eventually i lay down, my head on his thighs. I could feel him playing with my hair as i fell asleep quietly.

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