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i wasn't sure what to expect after he said that. But i took the risk and told him 'okay.'

as he took me down the street a few blocks down, we found a small little thrift store V apparently thought was perfect for me.

so he started telling me what to do first.

"rule number one. Don't choose an aisle right in front of the cashier. I'm pretty sure it's a 99% chance you'll get caught stealing."

I nod. "okay, what's next?"

"okay, so rule number one. Whatever aisle you're in, make sure you're the only one in it. Because if there's a second person with you, then you might get caught."

Nodding again, i make a hand gesture for him to keep explaining.

"rule number three. choose something small. Not too big, but small. Because if you try to fit, for example, a big gatorade bottle, in your jacket, i'm pretty sure that's going to show. So pick something small enough that's easy to hide and not noticeable when you walk out."

"oh, i see."

"and lastly, rule number four. Make your posture normal when you walk out. Don't like, make your arm somehow glued to your body when walking. it'll make it so obvious you stole something."

"oh, okay! is that all?"

"yep, now go give it a try. I'll be watching."

I gulp the lump in my throat and walk in trying to look innocent. I look over at Taehyung and he gives me a thumbs up.

rule number one. don't choose an aisle right in front of the cashier. I walk to the farthest one far from the cashier.

rule number two. whatever aisle you're in, make sure you're the only one in it. I look around and there was only one person beside me. I pretend to look around curiously as they choose their item and walk away.

I sigh in relief and I try to remember the steps V gave me.

rule number three. choose something small. I look around and see a small pack of gummy bears. I didn't want that though, so i look more for something small. a pack of gum?

i take the risk and hold the pack in my hands stuff it in my jacket.

Ready to walk out, i remember ride four.

rule number four. make your posture normal when you walk out. I make my normal posture and try not to make it obvious i stole.

I walk out and let out a big sigh feeling my heartbeat faster and faster.

I sprint over to taehyung as he compliments me endlessly and asks me what i took.

i take out the gum and show him. "just this. i wasn't sure what to take."

"you did an amazing job for your first try, kookie!" he pats my head.

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