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I woke up in Taehyung's bed. The day before he offered me to stay. yes, i took on, and here i was now here, sleeping next to him - shirtless.

he was cuddled into the crook of my neck, arm around my waist as he let out little snores when he slept.

I smile and play with his hair. "V, yah get up now."

he blinked open his eyes and slightly yawns. "morning, kookie." his box smile was back.


he fidgets around some more getting comfortable. "V, you just said you were going to get up."

"10 more minutes..." he yawns pulling me closer.

sighing, i blurt "fine. but before you go back to sleep, i have one question for you.."

"hm? what is it?"

"does this mean we're... quote unquote .. together?"

he nods, hugging me closer. I grin in delight. I was in paradise.

I tap his shoulder as a signal for him to move over. he does, and i pounce up and off the bed to go use the bathroom.

as the cold water from the sink hit my hands, i glance up back into the mirror and look at my neck.

it was bruised with red marks in a lip shape.

they were damn hickeys.

I touch them with my hand slightly and see there's one from my jawline to my ear. holy shit, i thought.

coming back to the bed, i steal a glance at v's neck so i could check it. there were a few, too.

did i just really give the one and only Kim Taehyung hickeys?

last night was a blur. images flicked back and forth under my eyelids, till suddenly i saw V and I exchanging kisses on each other's..


yeah, i remember now.

he was tugging at my hair before dozing off and planting one final peck onto my lips before slipping into my tight embrace and silently falling asleep.

the worst part about this, is that my mom asked me to visit her today and i couldn't possibly let her see the marks on my freshly bruised skin.

i haven't seen her in so long, as of last night, a few notifications went off my phone but i ignored them. little did i know it was my mother.

but i read them the next morning.

I shake V awake for the second time. "V, get up."

he hums as an answer.

"can i ask you a question?"

"what is it," he mumbles helplessly into the sheets of his bed.

"would you want to go to a dinner with me and my mom?"

sorry for not updating >.>

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