Open Doors

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my name was screamed, a voice that i instantly recognized. "what is it, jin hyung?!"

"namjoon moved closer to our area! he can meet me!" Jin was beaming widely as he was pouncing up and down on the bed with excitement.

"okay okay! just calm down, you made me almost rip my book page!" I scoff. "well, anyway.. you're lucky." I exhale.

"i know, right?? i can't wait to see him today!"

"well what time is he coming?"

"around 7 or 8."

"well good luck."


when it reached 7:48 pm, we heard a knock on our door.

Jin sprung to his feet, a mad dash was followed by not even seconds later, before he unlocked the door as faster than anyone i've ever seen before, as he swung it open and beamed ever so brightly.

"Namjoon!!" he screams, falling into his arms for a hug.

Namjoon's hands cupped the back of Jin's head, hand full of hair. "it's so good to finally see you." the adorable little dimple poked outside of Namjoon's cheek - just another reason to find him miles beyond attractive outside of the phone screen.

body on body, they stayed an embrace for what seemed like an eternity. Jin at last pulls away, stepping to his left, he invites his new boyfriend inside.

he took the offer and stepped in.

he noticed me sitting on the bed.

"hi, i'm namjoon. People call me RM or RapMon sometimes." he smiles offering me a handshake.

taking his hand into mine, I shook it.

"i'm jungkook. i'm actually a friend of jin's," my hand detached from his, now free to the air. "but i'll get going to leave you guys alone."

"no that's okay, kookie!" jin pouts, clinging onto my arm.

"no really, it's okay. I can go," I shook him off, putting my hands up to send a signal it was okay.

"are you sure?"

"yeah i'll go shopping or something" a little smirk was found plastered onto my lips.

"okay, if you insist. thanks, kooks!"

he was always throwing nick names at me. always.

"yep, you two have fun. nice meeting you, namjoon!" hand waving back and forth exposed to the air, I yelp a goodbye as i perambulated out and into the hall.

I pull my phone out.

I dial in a number i usually called as the person on the other line answered.


"hey V, can you come pick me up?"

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