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My first shift was surprisingly great. Since the front counter was a little small for the bigger store, it caused V and I to come a little closer. Literally.

Often he'd touch my hand or step on my foot (not harshly), afterwards saying "it was an accident". He'd apologize, obviously, but as the day progressed I thought that they weren't accidents at that point.

my face was getting heated that day from working with V. A pink would creep along the edge of my cheeks when working, since i wouldn't stand being that close to my fellow worker.

becoming embarrassed and shy at some points, i had to text jin to help me out.

me: OMG jin i'm freaking out!!

jin: in a good or bad way??

me: idek both!

jin: what happened ?

me: so since this front desk is really small V keeps quote unquote, "accidentally" touching meh

jin: geez, you must really like him

me: it's called being gay, hyung!

jin: well you know i'm bisexual myself, jungkook

me: and maybe you should know what it feels like to fall in love with another guy.

jin: well anyways, kookie you'll be fine throughout today. you'll survive

me: i don't know if i can *^*

jin: you'll be fine.

I slip my phone away.

"so what's your life like?" Taehyung asked, out of the blue.

"well.. uh.. i'm living in a hotel with my friend."

"oh really? why?"

"my mother wasn't always the best at taking care of me. After my dad divorced her that's when she got bad."

"oh, i'm so sorry to hear that..." V comes closer to me rubbing my arm, he didn't represent that as an accident this time. "you'll find happiness eventually, jungkook." He shoots me his box smile and hugs me in a tight embrace into his arms.

I enjoyed it while it lasted. my cheeks went a blazing red. "thank you." I whisper, just enough for him to hear.

He pulls away and continues working when a costumer walks in, pulling away quickly from the hug we were both locked into.

I immediately take my phone out again.


jin: why what happened this time ???

me: taehyung hugged me !! telling me i would find happiness!

jin: he's probably doing that to be nice.

me: well since i'm gay i can't take that !!

jin: okay okay when's your shift over?

me: 5

jin: then it's off in 2 hours. you'll last.

me: i hope

jin: meet me after your work. tell me everything

I inserted my phone into the pocket of my skinny jeans again. I was lucky to have jin. I recognized the customer had left and Taehyung was face to face with me once again.

he hesitates, but eventually says to me,

"hey, can i get your number?"

yikes okay this chapter is trash

but i hope you keep reading


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