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I held my phone against my ear in disbelief.

you stood there, like an idiot!

that echoed around the walls of my head, bouncing endlessly not being able to be unheard.


V called me that.. an idiot. Just a piece of crap. I turned away from the couple i was facing and hid under the blanket.

i began to cry.


to the point my shoulders were bouncing up and down and slight hiccups were escaping my throat.

I sniffed here and there but i pretty much got the blanket sheets and pillow all drenched in my tears.

it was getting late but i went to the jail V was arrested to so i could talk to him. You know, like the little booths you have and you call each other on the phone type of deal.

I walked up to one and sat down.

V suddenly popped out from the corner and sat across from me. I sigh and look down.

i grab the phone and i press it against my ear. I speak into it softly.

"i'm sorry."

"you let them take me away." i could hear the anger in his voice.

"i was just scared, okay? i didn't know what to do."

"you could have at least pushed the cop off of me, and i would've handled the rest."

"you don't understand, I-"

"oh but i do, really. I don't want to hear your excuse."

I put my hand on the glass separating us.

He places his hand over mine on the glass. "i miss you."

my heart fluttered. a wave of relief was caught over me causing me to sigh. "me too."

"i'll be out by next week though. okay?"

i nod.

"please don't be mad at me, though. please?"

he takes his hand off the glass. "i can't promise that."

"you're mad at me?" i cross my arms on the small little table.

he cocks his head not making eye contact with me. "in a word, yes."

he stood and walked away. I was left there, sitting thinking of why he was so pissed.

after all i knew he still liked me.

..or did he?

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