Pick Me Up

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I wanted to cry.

so i did.

i had no other choice. I couldn't believe i let my own crush get arrested like that, and practically be thrown into the car of a police officer.

I called jin quickly and my voice was shaking in fear when i saw the car pull away.

"pick me up. please. pick me up, hyung..."

"are you okay?"

"please... please hurry."

I gave him the street i was on and he saw me when he pulled in the parking lot i was standing it.

I immediately hopped in and wiped my eyes. He looked over at my direction and patted my shoulder. "hey, what's wrong? are you alright?"

"V... he got arrested." I let out of my hiccups of the sob trapped in my throat.

i heard jin gasp a little and i felt his hand slightly leave my shoulder, but not entirely.

"were you guys... doing those illegal things again?"

I nod my head.

"i'm sorry... please don't be mad." I hunch my shoulders slightly in fear of being yelled at.

he sighs. "jungkook, i'm not mad... it's just things like this can happen. i'm scared if they'll take you away or something."

"i understand."

"why didn't the police officer arrest you too?"

"i was sitting down. but when Tae told me to run, i fell really far behind. and i mean really far."

"so they assumed you weren't with him?"

"i guess."

"well it's going to be okay. don't put your whole mind into it. V will be back soon."

he started they car and we drove to the hotel. My hands were still shaking. I sat on my bed as namjoon and jin day together again and started to play video games with one another.

i smiled at them but i thought of V again. I still couldn't believe i let him got taken away.

jungkook, run!!

I couldn't believe i couldn't follow those simple rules. just run. But no, i decided to stumble behind and let him get taken away.

suddenly i remembered V had his phone and i called it.

he answered. but he was panting.

"OH MY GOD! V! i'm so sorry.. are you okay? are you hurt? what happened? where did they-"

"jungkook!" he yells my name into the phone. "slow down. I'm fine."

"where are you?"

"in a cell? obviously. i lied that i didn't have my phone. but i just kept it in my underwear."

what the hell..?

"oh. well i'm glad you're okay."

"jungkook, i'm in fucking jail. You think i'm gonna be fine? you didn't even help me!"

"i didn't know what to do."

"run! you could have just ran!" he scream whispered.

"i .. i fell behind, i'm sorry..."

"i would've helped you if i saw you getting put in handcuffs! being pinned against a car like that!"

"i was scared!"

"you stood there like an idiot, on the phone just watching! really? really, kookie?"

"V, I..."

"i don't want to hear it."

he hung up.

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