Fallen Behind

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I wasn't entirely sure what happened yesterday. Pretty much just namjoon, jin, v and i were just practically seeping into the video game screen we had played the other night.

but as i fluttered my eyes open like a humming birds wings, flashing lights of colour, i blinked them wide open and stared at the ceiling for a moment, examining the white tiles.

but there was a weight on the side of my bed; so i look to my left and see Taehyung there, fast asleep.

my cheeks crook into a smile as I shook him awake. He was deep inside the covers i could see.

he shuffled around in a reaction but i shook him more till he fully turned around to face me.

"wake up, sleepy head" I extend the last word of my sentence.

"i'm up, i'm up." he laughs slightly but then i realize he wasn't wearing a shirt.

the light thinly beaming through the curtains of the window brushed against his soft tanned skin.

His neck was an entire different story, too - it was perfect. I couldn't think of why, it was just so shaped well and the way small veins poked through it made me blush because i knew i was simply attracted to that.

"can we have fun again?"

he laughs. "like what?"

"stealing, spray painting.. you get the idea."

"sounds like fun," he says, grabbing my wrist pulling me out of bed. he throws on a shirt quickly and we both head out.

we walk down the streets to get the spray cans, and when we do, V suddenly grabs a red can and makes a gesture towards me to follow him.

he heads towards the cars jammed in traffic and i laugh when i see him step on car by car. I follow his direction still, and ever few cars we got on we spray painted their windows.

The street was filled with honking every time v and i would get to them.

I was getting tired from jumping everywhere so i sat down on the sidewalk close to Taehyung.

Till eventually, after probably 10/15 minutes of doing this, we hear "hey!! stop right there!"

i dart my head to the right.

shit. it's the police.

"jungkook, run!!" V dashes past me as i try to follow/keep up. It was hard since he's so fast. But unfortunately i couldn't make it, i fell behind farther than i'd thought.

the cop takes v and slams him against the police car. I could see every move he was doing to him from a large distance.

i saw V struggling trying to escape his grip.

"fucking let me go!!" V screams trying to get away.

The cop put handcuffs on V's wrists.

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