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"i said, do you want to come to a dinner with my mom and I?"


"she misses me. i don't want to be there alone. plus, she probably wants to know the people i know."

"oh... i mean, sure. i'll go."

i grin, but then a sudden fear stabs me into my chest. I didn't want to face the abusive mother before me, not knowing how she'd changed.

I wasn't sure how she'd act anyway. was she going to be mean? was she going to be nice?

i texted her, asking what time to come over. she said around 6 or 7. I punch in a reply back phrasing i was bringing someone along with me, and she approved.

i sigh in relief as i slip my phone back into my pocket of my skinny jeans.

time skip

I was getting ready, and so was V. struggling to find a way to hide my neck, i didn't want my mom to see the marks the same sex gave to me.

even if she did figure out why i had hickeys, she wouldn't accept me. my sexuality.

she wouldn't bare the thought of her own son being attracted to a male. I just threw on a baggy sweatshirt so it covered the deep maroon coloured hickeys.

it wasn't a fancy dinner, it was just at my old house, and my mother doesn't do fancy.

V wasn't going dressed like that either - he just had a regular white t shirt on and skinny jeans, topped with a grey cardigan.

we got into my car and suddenly i didn't want to go anymore. right when i was about to start the engine, my hand hesitated and it was kept in the air, unsure of where to go.

"are you going to start it..?" V breaks the silence.

"i..." trying to form a sentence, i tried to look for the right words, but couldn't. "my mom, it's just.."

"jungkook, you can tell me."

"i'm scared, okay?!"

"calm down.. why are you?"

"she abused me when i was little, i told you this already.."

"..oh yeah."

"whatever. lets just get this over with."

i quickly start it and back out from the parking space i was once in. as i drove V kept touching my thigh trying to make me comfortable, and for me to know i didn't have to be afraid.

I give him a nod, receiving his message.

"it's going to be okay. you'll be fine."

a second nod.


I reach my house and it was much more rusty than i remember. After all, i did move out almost (i think) 8 years ago, and no one was taking care of it since besides my mom.

i crack open the worn out door and i see my mom by the table in the living room. I give a painful smile, stepping in with V.

as i step in, v closes the door that was once open behind him. We both walk over to her and plant into the seats, silent.

"hi," i didn't dare to make eye contact.

"hello, jungkook. and who may this be?" she points to V.

"uhm.. my friend. his name is Taehyung. people call him V."

i glance over at him and made sure he knew i was lying when i referred to him as a close friend.

"uh, yeah. i'm V. nice to meet you, Mrs. Jeon - " he arched his arm over the table so his hand could meet hers, but is interrupted when she yells,

"no! i'm no longer Mrs. Jeon. i got divorced."

We both go silent.

"oh, sorry about that.. Ms Jeon." he holds out his hand for the second time.

she shakes it and i could tell she was rough. Gripping his hand tightly, she basically jerked it up, and letting go a second after.

V tries to box smile as he pulled away.

"so, what did you make for us?" i look down at our plates.


yup, she hasn't changed a bit.

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