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"he.. well.."

"tell me!" i was sitting up now.

"please don't get mad at me.. but.." he exhales. "don't say anything till i'm done talking, i'll explain. alright?" i nod my head. "okay. so.. jhope and i were dating after i got out of prison. i only lied to you that he was straight because i didn't want you to suspect anything."

"are you-"

"i said don't talk." my mouth shuts after he said that. "so when we hooked up, i had to.. date both of you.. somehow at the same time. but i just got off the phone now to tell him he and i were over. and that i only like you."

"so you were cheating on me this whole entire time?!"

"..well when you put it that way,"

"no! don't say shit! why didn't you tell me?!"

"because i really liked you, and i didn't wanna ruin anything between us.."

i slap him.

it was something i never would do.

but i just.. did.

I ran out of the room quickly and start driving back to the hotel Jin and Namjoon were left with. I knock on the room i once was in, and jin answers it.

I fall into his arms and sob helplessly.

he rubs my head, repeatedly asking me what happened, and i eventually blurt,

"V cheated on me."

Jin holds my shoulders and gazes at me right in the eye. "take a break from him."

i nod my head.

i take a peek inside but then i see Jhope, being held in namjoons embrace. I brush past jin and take him my the arm, pulling him outside.

i shut the door, leaving jin and namjoon clueless.

"what do you have to say about V?!"

"what do you mean?"

i grab him by the neck of his shirt.

"don't give me that shit. i know what you guys have been doing!"

"well i have too. he cheated on me with you!"

"it's the same way around! I don't like you, man. you tried to steal my boyfriend?"

"he hooked up with me first!"

"i don't care! what matters is that i want you to stay away from him. from now on."


"i don't want your disgusting hands touching his amazing body. alright? he dumped you for a reason."

"and that reason was because he's with you!"

"exactly." i open the door and shove him back inside, while i began to walk away, feet pounding against the carpet.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn my head back and there jin was, stopping me in my tracks.


"where are you going?"

"i ran away with V to a different hotel."


"i'll tell you later. i need to talk to him."

he nods his head, pulling me into a hug a second after.

I walk to the car and start it, driving back. V had some explaining to do.

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