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"oh; you're awake!" V's mouth sprung into a wide grin. "you fell asleep last night. Since i don't know where you live, i just decided to let you stay here."

oh, right.

"oh... well thanks i guess," i add, looking away.

"what's wrong? why are you looking away, kookie?"


"you're shirtless, duh." I tried hiding my face full of embarrassment when i said that sentence. right when i said it, i regretted it immediately and wanted to shove the words back in my mouth.

he chuckles lightly, as i hear the closet wardrobe rustle around. "well i'm getting dressed for work, and so should you."

"oh!" i get out of bed realizing i had work with taehyung. "shit, but i don't have any clothes here.."

"just wear mine, i won't mind." V offers, throwing me a t shirt and pants.

"well, i... won't it be a size too big for me?"

"i don't think so. we're almost the same height after all."

i nod. "okay.."

after getting the opportunity for some privacy, i quickly change and the outfit V chose for me fit surprisingly well. I walked out of the room as taehyung laughed slightly.

"hey! what's so funny ?"

"it's just funny because you're wearing my clothes, and you look like me now." he shoots me a box smile.

after a slight giggle in response, i pull my phone out of my pocket, quickly texting jin.

jungkook: hyung

jin: JUNGKOOK! where have you been!?

jungkook: sorry i didn't meet you yesterday i fell asleep at taehyung's house

jin: oh thank god!! you had me so worried!

jungkook: sorry jin

jin: it's ok just tell me next time. okay?

jungkook: okay

jungkook: well i gotta go to work now so i'll ttyl

I slip my phone back into my (well technically v's, because it's his pants i'm wearing) pocket, heading out the door and into his car.

he gets into the drivers seat and started the car. As we drove, we sat in silence the whole way there.

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