Friday Freak Outs

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Greeted by Seokjin, I walked into the hotel door leading me to the room itself. "tell me what happened !" he says excitedly, pulling me in.

"you seem like you're in a good mood."

"something great happened! but you tell me first."

"Well, I got Taehyung's number." I sneak a smile and I was blushing again.

"you're definitely gay." he chuckles sending a punch to my arm, doing his winsheild laugh again.

"aish, well that's just how i was born okay!" my knuckles joined against his forearm back. "so, what happened with you?" I extended the last word of my sentence.

"i was on this dating app, and i got a match!" grinning from ear to ear, his hands joined together in a clap in excitment.

"with who?"

"some guy named Namjoon. Everyone calls him RM though. It goes both ways." he smiles.

"oooh a guy?" i tease, smirking in his direction. He nods his head, now the one blushing in response. "is he nice?"

"he seemed to be when we were texting. and he's really handsome too."

the word "handsome" echoed around my head, as the image of Kim Taehyung appeared in my mind. I grinned of the thought of his deep voice muffled into my ear drum as if we were on the phone.

I lost control and my ands flailed in the air, my cheeks blazing at just the thought of V. Jin seemed to notice.

"what are you thinking about??" he lets out a small giggle.

"...Taehyung," my blush couldn't contain.

"Well just imagine when i meet namjoon! he's probably going to be so nice, and .. so kind, and .. handsome." he stared into the ceiling, cheeks flushing a bright pink.

"who's the one blushing now?"

"OH YOU LITTLE-" a snicker couldn't help but escape his throat, arising up and off the bed, rushing towards my direction.

"JIN HYUNG!" i shriek, as a playful hit received from him couldn't be helped.


monday 10:27

I roamed into the store, and heading behind the counter 3 minutes early. not too early - but early enough for my boss to not scold at me. He was apparently really strict of being on time.

Later in the day, V came in and greeted me with his (box) smile and a 'good morning.'

I just hope from here V and I'll become closer.

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