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Finn's POV-

"YOU DID WHAT?!" David yelled, making me & Finn flinch.

"Sir, I love you daughter and"—

"Boundaries Finn. Boundaries." David sighed, putting his hand on his forehead. "I mean, she's 17."

"I know I should've asked it's just, I can't spend another second away from her."

"So you think proposing will change that?!" He raised his voice, plopping down on the couch.


"Ohhh don't 'Dad' me Millie. You knew how I would react." He said sternly, making Millie gulp.

Maddie and Maya were in the corner, not saying a word.

"Stop eavesdropping" Millie threw a pillow at them, making them laugh.

"No. Absolutely not." He said, shaking his head.

"I don't care what you say! I wasn't asking permission I was telling you"—

"Mills, it's okay. Look, you know I have the upmost respect for you sir. & i know you may not understand, but I am so in love with your daughter,  I would marry her yesteday if i could." I stood up, seeing millie blush.

"You're not even in college yet Finn. How do you expect to pay for a wedding? Hell even a ring!"

"None of that matters, as long as I am with her." I grabbed her hand, smiling at her.

"Guess it's a bad time to say this but, can I also move in with him?" She smiled, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"HELL NO! You're not 18 until a few months & until then you listen to me." He crossed his arms, standing up,

"Look." He sighed, walking up to us. "I can't control this weird engagement okay, but I draw the line at moving in together."

"Does this mean I have your blessing?" I asked, gulping.

"Fine. We're done here." He stormed out of the living room, as Millie smiled widely, engulfing me in a hug.

"I will get you a ring as soon as possible i promised." I cupped her cheeks, kissing her softly.

"None of that matters Finn, as long as I am with you."


Millie's POV-

I walked into my room, plopping down on my bed.

Finn left a while ago, he had homework to catch up on.

"Dude you're bold." Maya walked in, plopping down on my bed next to me.

"What a rush." I chuckled, staring at the ceiling. "I love him Maya." I smiled, replaying everything in my head.

"Damn the dick is really that good?" She laughed, making me roll my eyes.

"Out." I said sternly, pointing to the door.

"Whatever." She sighed, walking out.


"HAHAHAHA" Sadie fell to the ground, holding her stomach. "I-I'm gonna pee my pants." She cried, rolling around on the carpet.

"I-I'm serious Sadie." I fiddled with my fingers, blushing.

"Yeah right. Stop messing with me it's hurting my ribs" She laughed, sitting up. I stared at the ground, not saying a word.

"Oh my God. You're serious?!" She got up, rushing over to me.


"HOLY SHIT MILLIE!!" She pulled me into a hug, shaking me crazily. "WHEN?!"

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