{2} Plans

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my sister asked me to explain & i was like "watch the show & you'll understand love"❤️

millie's POV- a month later from the last chapter!

My mom is getting really sick again. i just can't. why do bad things happen to good people.

i can't even look at her without crying, i only visit her
after school, i switched my schedule around & now i
have tutoring at seven am.

i work at the tutor center at school, it's a few extra bucks that i really need.

i tutor this kid named noah, he's really sweet, he's like my best friend. he's a junior but it's funny because i know more than he does.

i also have more classes with sadie now, which is really good because i don't have any other friends other than her and noah.

Noah is really funny & uplifting, he really brightens my mornings. (no they don't like each other)

"well, that's enough tutoring for today." i sighed, putting my books away, as noah nodded, sighing.

"millie, listen."


"so my friend Caleb is throwing a party tonight, & you NEED to go. do you know how many guys would be perfect for you??"

"like?" i chuckled, giving an awkward look.

"hm, well gaten has a girlfriend, finn is a dick, & caleb is crushing, but i'm sure we'll find you someone at the party." he smiled, making me groan.

"parties aren't really my thing."

"pleaseeee, it's the first party of the year! you have to go." he begged, as i sighed, shrugging.

"i've never really been to a party." i shrugged, looking down embarrassingly.

"then come with me and sadie & you will have so much fun! parties will change your life." he smiled, lifting the spirit, as i sighed, giving him a look.

"fine.. but if i get bored i'm leaving."

"deal!" he clapped his hands happily, as i sighed, getting up.

"see you tomorrow." i waved, walking out of the tutor center, as noah waved, walking the other way.

i don't even want to go to this party, but maybe it will get my mind off of things for a while.

i walked to my first period, wanting to get out of here already. god i hate school.


the last bell of the day FINALLY rang, as i squealed happily, getting weird stares, making me blush awkwardly.

i quickly rushed out of school, and ran to my locker, shoving my books in there.

"hey locker buddy." this random curly headed kid smiled at me, as i chuckled, giving him a weird look.

"i'm gaten, noah's friend." he held his hand out, as i smiled, shaking it.

"i'm millie." i said, closing my locker.

"he told me he needs us to find you a boy, so me & my buddies will help."

"thanks, but i'm not really looking for anyone, i don't have any time." i shrugged, putting on my backpack.

"oh.. well a hookup?"

"nah, i'll just be solo, thanks though. nice meeting you!" i walked off, thankful to get out of that awkward conversation.

damn you noah, damn you.

"Millie!" sadie ran over to me, giving me a sad look.

"what happened?"

"Caleb is dating STACEY." she whined, crossing her arms.

"who's that?"

"this dumb bitch ass whore, who's NOT, even cute!" she rolled her eyes, making me chuckle lightly.

"it's okay, you can talk to him today at the party."

"wait... caleb's party? how do you know about that?"

"noah invited me." i shrugged, making her gasp.

"oh my god, we get to go to a party!" she squealed, jumping up & down happily, getting weird stares at her.

"sadie, chill." i chuckled, as she laughed, walking out of the school with me.

I saw that weird finn guy getting in his car, as i furrowed my eyebrows, getting in sadie's car.

"i thought he just rides his skateboard everywhere."

"hell no, his parents are one of the richest people in the city, they're both surgeons at the hospital and he has this big house with like six cars, & he's just so lucky." she sighed, as we watched him drive off.

"so he's stuck up?"

"pretty much. he's a dick." sadie shrugged, pulling out of the school.


i waved to sadie, getting out of the car, as i walked in the hospital, going to my moms room.

"millie, hi." she smiled weakly, as i smiled lightly, sitting down.

"hey momma."

"i missed you sweetie." she held my hand, as i smiled, giving her a hug.

"so when is your chemo gonna be done?"

"i don't know actually. my cancer is spreading." she frowned, as i looked down, nodding slowly.

"but you're gonna be okay right?" tears burned in my eyes, as i gulped nervously.

"Millie i think you need to understand what we're dealing with here. i'm not sure what's going to happen, and"—

mom don't say that, you're gonna be fine." i sniffled, as she sighed, kissing my hand.

"sweetie we don't know that."

i looked down, wiping a tear from my eye, as my mom sighed, giving me a hug. "it'll be okay." she whispered, as i cried, burying my face in her shoulder.

i stayed there a while longer, talking to my mom about school & my friends. it was nice.


"millie how does this shirt look?"

"it looks fine." i shrugged, making her groan.

"millie i need this to look perfect! i want caleb to notice me."

"he will, sadie everything will be fine. i like the shirt & so will he." i smiled lightly, as she sighed, nodding slowly.

she went to her closet to change, as i sighed, playing on my phone.

"what are you gonna wear?"

"i'm just gonna wear what i wore to school." i shrugged, pointing to the outfit i was wearing, making sadie give me a weird look.

"listen, if you want boys to like you, then you need to show that you care about parties."

"well i don't care about boys sadie, they're just a waste of time."

"girl, whatever." she chuckled, putting on her rings & bracelets. "you ready?"

"yeah." i got up, putting my jacket on, as sadie squealed, running downstairs.

"bye mom!" she waved, as i waved at her mom as well, walking out the door with sadie.

we got in her car, as she turned her music up really loud, blasting my eardrums.  "party time!" she yelled, rolling the windows down, messing up my hair.

i laughed, shaking my head, while she sang her songs.


whats gonna happen at the party 🤫

sorry this is short, but i'm tired 😂 hope y'all enjoyed:) part two coming soon!

& i'm sorry there haven't been as much fillie scenes but if you're just gonna have to stay tuned for the next chapter😉


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