{28} Summer

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go to high school they said. it'll be fun they said

millies POV- three months later

it's the end of hot girl summer sadly. Finns been in LA with his family most of the summer and i spent my summer with my friends.

my moms out of the hospital so that's great. we've been spending a lot more time together.

maya spent the whole summer in hawaii with her boyfriend joe, he's really rich. i just really miss finn, i haven't seen him in a whole month.

me & noah have gotten a lot closer, he's one of my best friends. gaten and liz have been on vacation together as well with their friends from school.

caleb & sadie went on a few trips but mostly spent their time here with me. i've been home pretty much all summer.

finn finally got his cast off, i know it's been annoying the hell out of him.

"millie guess who's here!" my mom called from the front door, as i jumped up, running out of my room expecting finn, only to see my dad.

"what's he doing here." i said with a plain expression, crossing my arms.

my parents have been hanging out recently, they're friends i guess. my dads married to some lady called Winona, she's cool i guess.

i still don't really like my dad but my mom forced me to go to the wedding anyway. as for my mom she's a single pringle.

she said she doesn't want a man getting in the way of her health, which is understandable.

"i came to take you to lunch." my dad smiled, as i turned, seeing Winona in the car waiting.

"no thanks, how about you go hang out with your other daughter. Maddie is it?"

i have a new stepsister named maddie, she's cool i guess but we don't really talk, she's into dance and sports which is the total opposite of me.

my dad lives about two hours away but he comes every weekend along with his new family sadly.

"bad time?" i heard a familiar voice, as i screamed, pushing my dad out of the way, jumping into finns arms.

"i missed you." finn smiled, as i squealed, pulling him in for a kiss.

"i was wondering when you would come back." i smiled, as he chuckled, still holding me.

"hey mr. brown." finn smiled, as my dad smiled, shaking his hand.

my dad & finn are closer than me and my dad are. finn actually likes my dad, unlike me who despised him.

"do you wanna go to lunch with us finn?" my dad smiled, making me roll my eyes.

"sure." finn smiled, making me groan.

"no dad, we're gonna stay here with mom, go have fun with your new family, bye!" i shut the door in his face, rolling my eyes.

"mills he's trying." finn gave me a look, making me roll my eyes.

"no time for lecturing." i smiled, pulling him into my room.

he picked me up, laying me down, as i wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.

"besides, maddie's way prettier than me and i'm afraid she'll steal you." i winked, as he chuckled, kissing me.

"no one is prettier than you, & besides, i love you and only want you." he smiled, as i smiled, pulling him in for another kiss.

"are you ready for school?"

"no, it's your senior year. i'm not ready for you to leave me." i frowned, wrapping my arms around his neck, as he chuckled, still hovering over me.

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