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millie's POV-

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm, as i groaned, rolling over to turn it off.

i got out of bed, rubbing my head. it hurts really bad.

i shrugged it off, walking to my closet, as i sighed, trying to find something to wear out of the small amount of clothes i have.

i got dressed, checking my watch, as i gasped, not realizing it was daylight savings time & that it was an hour late.

i quickly put on my clothes, brushing my teeth & hair, as i ran to the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

i got a snapchat from finn, as i sighed, opening it.

where are you? i have a test today so you need to tutor me.

i'm tutoring noah today

bitch no you ain't

i rolled my eyes, leaving him on read, as i sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket.

i ran to the bus stop, hoping it would hurry up.


i rushed into school, already knowing i missed first period, as i sighed, walking late to second.

i knocked lightly, walking in, as i tensed up, seeing the whole class stare at me.

"millie brown, you're late." the teacher crossed his arms, glaring at me.

"sorry.. i overslept." i mumbled, walking to my seat by sadie.

"you look hungover what's your deal?" sadie whispered, as i sighed, shrugging.

"i woke up an hour late & i've been feeling weird all morning." i rubbed my head, as she furrowed her eyebrows, nodding.

i laid my head down on the desk, taking a tiny nap.


"& then i said 'bitch just finger yourself or something, i can't come over today.' and she just kept getting all offended. ugh girls right?" finn shared another one of his girl stories, as i dozed off, staring at nothing.

"millie?" finn snapped his fingers at me, grabbing my attention, making me look up.

"huh? yeah." i nodded, as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"what's your deal anyway? you've been weird all day."

"i don't know i just feel sick." i rubbed my head, as he nodded, continuing to do his work while talking.

"what's eight times thirteen?" finn asked, looking up.

"you have a calculator for a reason dumbass." i rolled my eyes, as he nodded, grabbing it.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom." i slowly got up, getting dizzy all of a sudden.

"woah." i looked around, seeing everything double, as i blacked out.

finns POV-

Millie got up, as i furrowed my eyebrows, hearing her say "woah." as i looked over, seeing her eyes roll in the back of her head, as she fell back.

i quickly got up, catching her before she hit her head on the ground. "millie." i shook her, not getting a response, making sure she still had a pulse.

"can i get a nurse anyone?!" i yelled at everyone in the library, seeing the librarian rush to the nurses office.


millie's POV-

i woke up, looking around, seeing me in the nurses office, as i rubbed my head, sitting up.

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