{13} Different

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^^im in love ☺️

millies POV-

"so your heart rate got really high which is why you got light headed. you have psychological trauma , which is why you have lost so much weight in the past couple of months so we will be putting you on medication." the doctor smiled lightly, making me nod slowly.

"i'm already on medicine?"

"well we're gonna put you on some stronger anti depressants & some anxiety medicine." she informed me, making me nod slowly.

"mills are you gonna tell mom?" maya asked, as i shrugged, looking down.

"she's already stressed out enough as it is & i don't have insurance."

"well i'm sure we'll work something out." maya's boyfriend joe smiled lightly, making me nod slowly.

"you're free to go, we'll fax your medicine to the pharmacy." the doctor smiled, as i nodded, getting up.

"millie you're gonna have to be on bed rest, joe & i will pick you up panera." maya helped me get out of the bed, as i nodded, sighing.

"have a nice day." the doctor smiled, as i smiled lightly, waving.

we got in maya's car, as i sighed, sitting back. why do bad things always happen to me?


"knock knock, your best friend is here." sadie walked in my room, as i chuckled, smiling.

"hey sadie." i smiled, as she waved, sitting on my bed.

"so what's up with you? you've been passing out a lot recently." sadie frowned, making me sigh.

"i have some type of anxiety or something, i have to be in medication." i frowned, as sadie nodded slowly.

"you're not gonna die are you?" she asked, making me chuckle.

"no sadie i'll be fine." i chuckled, as she nodded, sighing a breath of relief.

"well since you need to be on bed rest, i brought you your school work." sadie smiled lightly, handing me my work, as i chuckled, thanking her.

"i know i know, i'm the best person ever." she joked, as i chuckled, smiling.

we spent the rest of the day catching up & watching netflix, it was fun.


two days later

i sighed, bored out of my mind. i can't believe i'm saying this but i actually want to go to school, it gives me something to do.

i heard a knock at my door, as i furrowed my eyebrows, seeing maya walk in.

"you have company." she winked, as i furrowed my eyebrows, seeing Finn.

"i'll.. leave y'all alone." maya walked out, as finn waved, sitting down on my bed.

"thanks for helping me the other day." i smiled lightly, as he nodded, shrugging.

"i just looked too hot that you passed out." he winked, as i chuckled, shaking my head.

"so what did the doctor say?"

"i apparently had an anxiety attack." i shrugged, fiddling with my ring that my mom got me for christmas.

"oh, dang." he frowned, as i nodded, shrugging.

"when are you coming back to school?"

"next week." i smiled lightly, as he nodded, sighing.

"so i need to talk to you about something." he laid down next to me, laying his head on his elbow, as i nodded, starting to get anxious.

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