{14} Outcast

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two updates in one day whatttt

millies POV-

people starting arriving at finns house, as i sighed, starting to get nervous. i have social anxiety so i'm
not gonna do well with a lot of people being here.

"hey, you gonna come downstairs?" finn asked, walking in his room, as i nodded, getting up.

"i'm just kinda nervous, i don't do too well with big crowds." i chuckled awkwardly, as he nodded, shrugging.

"it'll be fun, i'll introduce you to my friends." he smiled, as i nodded, walking downstairs with him.

"finnie boy!" his senior friends yelled, as finn smiled, doing some type of handshake with them while i just stood there awkwardly.

"guys meet millie." Finn pointed to me smiling, as the guys kinda waved, not really paying attention.


"do you want something to drink?" finn asked, pointing to the alcohol, as i shook my head, giving him a look.

"oh.. shit i forgot, sorry." he chuckled awkwardly, as i nodded slowly, looking down.

"finn, lemme tell ya, there are so many hot girls here tonight, we finna get some!" his friend put his arm around him, leading him away, as i sighed, looking around.

great, not even five minutes in & i'm already alone.

"millie!" noah walked up to me, as i waved, smiling.

"hey noah."

"you look lonely, come hang out with gaten & i." he lead me over to gaten, as i sighed, thankful i had someone to talk to. sadie & caleb snuck off somewhere.

"sup millie." gaten waved, as i smiled lightly, waving.

"chug chug chug!" i turned around, seeing finn cheering on his friend who was chugging on the keg, as i sighed, turning back around to face Gaten & Noah.

"watch, in five minutes he's gonna he all over those senior girls." gaten pointed to some random girls, staring at finn, as i rolled my eyes, sighing.

i saw finn dancing with his friends, as i turned around to face noah & gaten.

"hey i'm gonna go to the bathroom!" i yelled over the loud music, as they gave me a thumbs up, drinking.

i sighed, walking upstairs, seeing that all of the rooms were occupied except for finns, as i sighed, sitting down.

i grabbed a water from his mini fridge, as i sighed, drinking it alone in the quiet room, hearing the muffling sounds downstairs from the music.

i heard the door opened, as i looked up, seeing finn walk in, as he furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused.

"why aren't you downstairs?" he asked, as i shrugged, looking down.

"i'm just not really feeling it." i shrugged, as he sighed, sitting next to me.

"come back downstairs it'll be fun"—

"finn i really don't want to go down there & be reminded that i'm an outcast. none of your friends like me so there's no point in being here." i cut him off, as he sighed, giving me a look.

"millie who cares what they think? it's my party & if i want you here then you're gonna be here. & you're not an outcast, i mean, sure not everyone knows you, but they're losers, they don't know how awesome you are."

"thanks finn, but i think i'm just gonna stay in here." i mumbled, as he nodded, laying down.

"aren't you gonna go downstairs?"

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