{1} First Day

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guys i'm just winging this so sorry if this sucks😂💀 i haven't wrote a story in a year💀

millie's POV~

Wow. first day back to school since summer & i already don't want to go. Summer flies by too fast.

I'm millie brown, everyone calls me Mills though, it's my nickname.

I live w/ my mom and my older sister maya, which by the way, she's a real bitch sometimes, but i love her.

I pretty much spent the whole summer at the hospital with my mom or sadie. My mom was diagnosed with stage two lung cancer a few years ago when i was in middle school.

Considering my moms a single mother, supporting a family of three & paying for hospital bills & surgeries, it was really tough for my mom.

My older sister Maya decided to go to college close to us so she could still live in our house to help my mom out w/ me.

once i turned 16 i got a job at the local mall, along w/ my sister who also works at the mall, at this ice cream shop.

Pretty much all of our money goes to helping with bills & groceries. my mom feels bad that we have to work but we don't really mind. life's hard.

we used to have a two story & we were well off, but my mom had to retire from her job as a doctor when she got sick because she couldn't do much of anything anymore.

we just recently moved into a four bedroom one story just this summer. it's not too big but i appreciate it.

"Millie! hurry up & get ready so we can say hi to mom before school!" Maya yelled from the kitchen, as i sighed, grabbing my bag.

I hate going to school. I don't like leaving my mom alone while Maya goes to work, but she understands.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbing an apple, as Maya smiled, grabbing her coffee.

School starts at eight but maya takes me to the hospital at seven before she goes to class so i can spend time with my mom. i usually just take the bus from the hospital to school. I don't really mind it.

I got in the car, as maya sighed, pulling out of the driveway.

"Hey i have early classes tomorrow so i'm going to stay at natalie's tonight since she lives in a dorm. so do you think sadie can take you tomorrow?" Maya asked, taking a sip of her coffee, as i shrugged, nodding my head.

I grabbed my phone, texting Sadie to make sure it was okay.

maya pulled into the hospital, as i sighed, grabbing my bags. "thanks, love you!" i closed the door, running into the hospital since it was pouring outside.

i walked straight to the elevator, & pushed floor 11, and made my way to room 353. i knocked lightly before walking in, as my mom set her books down, looking up.

"millie, hi sweetie." my mom smiled, as i walked over, giving her a hug.

"hi momma." i smiled, pulling away.

"are you excited for your first day back?"

"not really, i'm gonna miss you." i frowned, as she smiled, grabbing my hand.

"well i'll be right here when you come back." she smiled, rubbing my hand with her thumb as i smiled, nodding my head.

"besides, you'll have sadie to keep you company." my mom smiled, as i chuckled, nodding my head.

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