{7} Iris

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millies POV-

i walked into school, talking with sadie, as i sighed, looking down.

"what's up?" sadie asked, nudging my shoulder, as i shrugged, opening up my locker.

"just tired." i smiled lightly, as she nodded, smiling.

"well i'm gonna go to class, see ya millie." she waved, as i smiled lightly, waving.


"and then i told her to shut the fuck up cause she's soooo annoying, and i just wasn't feeling it ya know?" finn told me another one of his stories, as i stared off into nothing.

"millie?" he snapped his fingers in front of my face, knocking me out of my trance.

"hm? yeah i know." i mumbled, as he sighed, crossing his arms.

"what's going on with you lately?"

"i don't know. i haven't been taking my anti depressants." i blurted out, widening my eyes.

"okay... well why?"

"sorry, i didn't mean to blurt that out." i mumbled embarrassingly as he nodded slowly.

"well i wasn't aware that you took those."

"no one really knows." i shrugged, as he nodded, closing his textbook.

"so why'd you stop taking them?" he asked, as i shrugged, looking down.

"i dunno. i just feel like i shouldn't have to depend on pills to make me happy." i shrugged, fiddling with my fingers, making him nod slowly.

"well, you do you. i've gotta go, i've got plans." he smirked, as i chuckled, shaking my head.

"you & your appointments." i crossed my arms, laying back in the chair.

"you know it." he winked, walking out of the tutor center, as i sighed, setting my pencil down.

today is gonna be a long day.

i walked to my locker, stuffing my books in my locker. "hey millie!" noah walked up to me, smiling, as i smiled lightly, waving.

"hey noah." i smiled, closing my locker. "what's up?"

"so i need to ask you something."

"what is it?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows, seeing him sigh.

"so there's this new movie coming out this weekend, & i was wondering if you maybe wanted to check it out?" he asked, blushing lightly.

"oh... i'm sorry i can't this weekend. i've got plans with sadie, i'm sorry." i frowned, as he nodded slowly.

"no worries, maybe next weekend right?"

"noah, listen. you're a really good friend, and don't get me wrong you're a great guy, but i'm just not looking for anyone right now." i said awkwardly, seeing his smile turn into a frown.

"right.. yeah i know. i just meant go as friends." he laughed awkwardly, making me nod slowly.

"maybe. i'll see you later, bye noah." i smiled lightly, walking off, thankful to get out of that awkward conversation.

"oof." i heard behind me, as i turned around, seeing Gaten walk up to me.

"you saw that?"

"yep." he chuckled, as i sighed, feeling bad.

"i feel bad i just.. i don't really like anyone at the
moment, i like being single you know?"

"yeah i feel ya, just.. everyone's been noticing you've been spending a little extra time with Finn lately." he gave me a look, making me furrow my eyebrows.

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