{37} Bahamas

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i'm so bored with this book, y'all should give chapter ideas of what y'all would like to see

millies POV- one month from last chapter

Well school is finally out. it's summer

Finn rented out an air bnb for the whole group. We're going to the bahamas for the boys senior trip. Me & Sadie are only juniors but they wanted us to come with us.

Finns parents paid for the whole thing. I was shocked.

I'm glad we're going on this trip, i needed to get some things off my mind.

"Is everyone packed?" Sadie asked, shoving all of her bags in the Uber.

"Sadie we're staying a week." I chuckled, seeing her trying to fit all of her bags, including her suitcase.

"But i want to make sure i have everything."

"This is why i love you." Caleb kissed her cheek, making her blush.

"Is everyone ready?" Finn smiled, making us all nod.

"I made sure to pack snacks for the plane!" Gaten smiled, holding up a bag full of snacks.

"I don't think airport security will let you have that." Noah chuckled, getting in the Uber.

"Damn." Gaten frowned, as we all got in the uber as well.


We made it to the airport, as i sighed, walking in.

My anxiety gets bad on planes. After watching greys anatomy, i don't think i will ever look at a plane the same.

"Mills, it'll be okay." Finn kissed my cheek, grabbing my suitcase for me.

We all walked in, as i sighed, looking at all of the people. The airport was packed.


We finally got on the plane, as i sighed a breath of relief. Airport security always scares me. I'm so glad the alarms didn't go off, that's my biggest fear.

I'mso glad i got a seat next to Finn & Gaten. Gaten is fun to talk to and Finn makes me feel safe.

Sadie, Caleb, & Noah got seats right behind us.

I hope this trip is fun, i've never been out of the country.

"please don't crash, please don't crash." i whispered, closing my eyes as we lifted off the ground.

"So they took my snacks, but i'll buy us some peanuts!" Gaten smiled, making me feel a little better.

Gatens girlfriend Liz couldn't come, she had some
show to act in. I think he'll be fine though, besides at least Noah won't be lonely.

"We only got 826 miles to go." Gaten sighed, laying back.


The plane finally landed, as i sighed a breath of relief, smiling.

"See? i told you we would be okay." Finn smiled, grabbing my hand.

We got up, waiting in line to get off of the plane.

Now all i have to worry about is the plane ride home.


We arrived at the airbnb, as i gasped, seeing how nice it was. Finns parents must've paid a fortune.

"Everyone find your own rooms." Finn set the keys on the table, as everyone ran upstairs to find their rooms.
"Come on, i'll show you the master suite." Finn smiled, leading me upstairs.

I walked in, gasping at how big it was. It had a king size bed, with a big tv, & a giant bathroom.

The view was to die for. We are right on the beach.

"Let's move here." i sighed, laying down on the bed.

"Maybe someday." Finn chuckled, laying down next to me.

"Get your bathing suits on! we cant waste anymore time, we're going to the beach!" Sadie yelled, running to her room all happily.

I chuckled, getting up to open my suitcase.

I grabbed my bathing suit, walking to the bathroom to put it on.

I hope y'all liked!
Let's see what happens in the next chapter :)


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