{11} Secret

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millies POV-

i walked into school, dreading today. me & finn haven't talked about what happened yesterday, i mean what are we supposed to say?

i sighed, walking into first period, already seeing finn sitting down, as i covered my face with my hoodie, walking fast to my desk.

"alright class, grab your chromebooks, i'm gonna take a nap." mr harbour laid his head down, as i sighed, grabbing mine.

i heard my phone buzz, as i grabbed my phone, seeing a snapchat from Finn.

meet me after class.


i put my phone up, continuing to work on my chrome book, while everyone else just played games on their laptops.


i walked out of class, feeling something grab my arm, as i shrieked, getting pulled into a closet.

"finn what the hell?"

"sorry. we needed privacy." he shrugged, as i sighed, starting to get nervous.

"what did you wanna talk about?"

"well yesterday"—

"finn, it's alright, it was kinda an in the moment thing, i know you don't like me like that"—


"& to be honest, i get it, i don't really like dealing with hoes anyway, so don't stress about it." i smiled, seeing him sigh.


"listen finn i've gotta go, see ya." i grabbed the door handle, feeling his hand touch mine, making me shiver at the touch, as i felt finn grab my waist.

he smashed his lips onto mine, as i widened my eyes, realizing we were actually kissing.

i wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes since he was really tall, as he sighed, pushing me up against the wall.

"finn." i mumbled into the kiss, as he pulled me closer, making me push him away.

"was this your plan all along? to get me to make out with you, cause i'm not liv, or iris"—

"you mean you're not a hoe."

"i didn't mean it like that." i mumbled, as he chucked, shaking his head.

"you're cute when you lie." he shrugged, making me blush lightly. "well to answer your question, no it wasn't my plan all along." he crossed his arms, making me nod slowly.

"great.. well let's just pretend that didn't happen then." i smiled, getting out of his grasp.


"finn, i'm not looking to be another one of your hoes. i'm sorry." i shrugged, about to walk out until he stopped me.

"i don't want you to be another one of my hoes." he mumbled, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"well then what do you want me to be?" i asked, giving him a look.

"you tell me." he crossed his arms, making me chuckle.

"listen i've gotta get to class, i'll talk to you later." i walked out, sighing.

what the hell?


"hey momma." i smiled, walking into her hospital room.

"hey sweetie, how was school?" she asked, patting the bed, as i sighed, sitting down.

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