{15} Changing

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so my parents already ordered school shit & i'm
not ready for summer to end😭

anyway, along with the story:)

millies POV- two weeks later

my moms been really sick, her chemo is making her really weak. i haven't been telling anyone because i don't want them to feel bad for me & be nice out of pity.

i haven't been hanging out with finn as much either because i've been in the hospital with my mom everyday.

i also quit working at the tutor center since i would rather visit my mom in the mornings as well.

i walked into school, walking to my locker, as i sighed, seeing sadie talking with caleb. they've been spending a lot of time together.

"guess who?" i turned around, seeing finn, as i chuckled, smiling lightly.

"so Sadie, and the boys and i are going on a trip at caleb's family's cabin in colorado, & we were all wondering if you wanted to come?" he smiled, making me look down.

"how long?"

"a week or so." he shrugged, as i nodded slowly, fiddling with my ring.

"i don't know if i can. my moms been really sick lately, so.." i shrugged, as he nodded, giving a small smile.

"i understand. i hope she's okay." he gave a small smile, as i thanked him, smiling lightly.

"wanna go to class?" he asked, holding his hand out, making me chuckle.

"we're not a couple remember?" i gave him a look, as he chuckled, shaking his head.

we walked to class, talking, as i sighed, hoping my mom was okay.


i was currently in the hospital room, talking with my mom about school.

"what's up millie?" my mom asked, holding my hand, as i sighed, looking down.

"well my friends invited me to our friends cabin but it's for a whole week & i don't know if i should go because what if something happens."

"millie, i'll be fine. you should go have fun with your friends, besides, when was the last time you had a vacation?" she asked, as i shrugged, looking down.

"i don't know if it's a good idea." i mumbled, looking down.

"well i think it's a great idea." she smiled lightly, as i nodded slowly, giving her a small smile.

"thanks mom." i smiled, giving her a hug, as she smiled, hugging me back.


i walked into school, seeing finn, as he waved, walking over to me.

"hey mills." he smiled lightly, as i smiled, waving.

"so guess what?"

"yeah?" he asked, chuckling.

"i'm going with y'all to the cabin." i smiled lightly, as finn smiled, nodding his head.

"that's good, it would've been lame without you." he shrugged, as i chuckled, nodding.

"ya know, i like this new side of you. you used to piss me off so much." i sighed, as he chuckled, shaking his head.

"hey guys." noah smiled, walking up to us, as i waved, giving a small smile.

"finn can i talk to you for a sec?" he asked, as finn nodded, shrugging.

"i'll be right back." he walked off with noah, as i furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what they were talking about. i'm nosy.

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