{33} Finnie

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Millies POV-

I woke up, feeling a warm body next to me, as i widened my eyes, realizing it wasn't a dream.

I had sex with Finn last night.

I felt his arms pull me closer, as i sighed, shaking him awake.

"Finn, wake up" i whispered, as he shook his head, pulling me close.

"Finn i'm serious. My mom is gonna wake up soon."

"She left. I heard her leave earlier." he mumbled, still hugging me.

"Finn." i gave him a look, as he opened his eyes, looking back at me.

"That's a face i could wake up to every morning." he smiled, making me blush.

stop millie.

this was a one time thing.

"Okay well Im gonna shower, and i expect you to be gone when i come back okay?"

"Wow kicking me out already?" he sat up, making me roll my eyes.

"How about I grab us some breakfast."

"No, we are not doing this thing." i crossed my arms, getting out of bed.

"What thing?"

"The thing where we act like a couple. This was a one time thing a Finn."

"Your moaning last night didn't make it sound like"—

"Shut up!" i threw a pillow at him, as he chuckled, getting out of my bed.

I widened my eyes, seeing he was completely naked, as he started putting his pants on.

"Like what you see?" he chuckled, making me get out of my trance.

"Uh, you're wearing my shirt." he pointed to me, as i sighed, looking down.

"Turn around!"

"It's not like i haven't seen it before." he shrugged, turning around, as i took off his shirt, quickly putting on my nightgown.

He turned around, putting on his shirt, as i sighed, sitting down on my bed.

Last night was amazing. Has it gotten bigger?— shut up Millie.

"So about that breakfast." He sat down next to me, making me chuckle.

"Finn if my mom finds out you're here"—

"Oh she already knows. My car is parked out front." he shrugged, making me groan.

"Finn!" i slapped his arm, making him chuckle.

"I'm gonna shower now. You better be gone when i come back." i gave him a look, walking out of my room.


I sighed, wrapping a towel around me, stepping out of the shower.

I walked back into my room, taking off my towel, grabbing my clothes.

"I'm back with waffles!"—

I shrieked, turning around, seeing Finn at the door, staring at me.

"Damn." he whispered, as I scoffed, slamming my door.

"Finn i told you to leave!"

"I did leave! I got food!" he yelled from the other side of the door, as i sighed, getting dressed.

I opened my door, letting him in, as he smiled, sitting down.

"You're hot by the way." he winked, making me roll my eyes.

"Finn, it's not gonna happen anymore." i crossed my arms, giving him a look.

"Millie we both know that's not true."

He crossed his arms, making me roll my eyes.

"Let's go on a date, just me and you." he smiled, making me choke on my waffle.


"Come on, it doesn't gave to mean anything. I just miss hanging out with you." he shrugged, making me sigh.

"Finn, we shouldn't be doing this. Last night was a mistake"—

"It wasn't a mistake to me Mills. I love you."

I widened my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up, as i sighed, looking down.

"Finn. You can't just come into my house, have sex with me, & then tell me this!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's giving me mixed feelings."

"I love you I love you I love you"—

"okay i get it." i chuckled, as he smiled, crossing his arms.

"No mixed feelings here."

"Finn you're probably gonna go back to Iris, and then this whole thing would've been for nothing. I just don't know if i can trust you yet."

"Mills, i want you. no one else." he whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too by the way." I smiled lightly, as he smiled widely, kissing me.

I missed this so much.


Finns pov-

The weekend was amazing with Mills. I think we finally will get to be together again.

Crossing my fingers.

I walked into school, getting stares, as i rolled my eyes, walking to my locker.

"Finnie." i heard, as i rolled my eyes, turning around.

"What do you want?" i crossed my arms, as  iris smirked, smiling.

"I forgive you." she smiled, looking up at me.

"um i don't remember asking for your forgiveness?"

"oh quit being silly. I've decided to bless you with my kindness and take you back." She smiled, hugging me.

"Iris. I told you, it's over." I pulled her off of me, making her scoff.

"Finnie what are you talking about? I know you miss me." she smirked, grabbing my hands.

"Iris i'm serious"— she cut me off, kissing me, as i rolled my eyes, pushing her off.

"Iris i said stop."

"Well look who it is." Iris smiled, looking at Millie.

I widened my eyes, realizing she saw what just happened.

"Have you heard? Finnie and I are back together!" She smiled, making me widen my eyes.

"Bye babe!" she kissed my cheek, walking off, as Millie looked at me, with tears filling in her eyes.

"Mills, it's not true"—

"I knew it." she croaked, as tears fell out of her eyes.

I hate seeing her upset.

"Millie. I promise it's not what it looks like."

"I gotta go." she sniffled, running off.
Cliffhanger hehe


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