{19} Worried

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millies POV-

"so are you and Finn not gonna make y'alls relationship public orrr?" Sadie furrowed he eyebrows, driving to school.

"i don't know, i'm not really worried about it. besides, i really don't wanna hear it from all of his exes." i rolled my eyes, as she shrugged, nodding her head.

we pulled into the school, as i sighed, dreading today. i'm really not looking forward to seeing people's faces today.

we got out of the car, walking into the school, as i sighed, getting out of the car, walking in school.

"guess who?" i felt arms wrap around me, as i chuckled, turning around, seeing finn.

"finn someone might see." i chuckled, as he shrugged, leaning in to kiss me, making me dodge him.

"what?" he chuckled, as i shrugged, looking down.

"i just don't really want people knowing right now. they're just gonna start rumors." i mumbled, as he sighed, grabbing my hands.

"millie who cares what they think?"

"i know i just... i don't know. i'm gonna go to the bathroom, i'll meet you in class." i gave a small smile, walking off, hearing him sigh.

finns POV-

i sighed, seeing her walk off, as i heard laughing behind me. "rejected!" Gaten snorted, laughing, as i rolled my eyes, punching his shoulder.

i don't get why she cares so much about everyone. they're just dumb teenagers.

i sighed, walking off to class, sitting down in my seat, seeing iris sit by me.

"yes?" i asked, crossing my arms.

"i'm ready to take you back finnie." she smiled, grabbing my hands, making me furrow my eyebrows.


"i know you miss me finnie, and it's okay, i miss you too." she smiled, making me gag.

"iris what the hell, i don't want you back."

"oh come on"—

"you're in my seat." i heard, as looked up, seeing millie crossing her arms, as iris gave me a dirty look.

"well i'm sorry i was just talking to my boyfriend." iris sassed, making me furrow my eyebrows, giving a confused look.

"millie she's not my girlfriend." i chuckled awkwardly, as she rolled her eyes, turning back to iris.

"get the hell out of my seat or else"—

"or what?" iris cut her off, standing up, getting in her face.

"or else i'll beat your ass." millie gave a fake smile, as i chuckled, seeing millie glare at me.

"oh honey i'd like to see you try." iris chuckled, grabbing the whole classes attention. "or are you too scared? little miss 'my mommy's sick so i think i can get away with everything' well reality check millie, your moms probably gonna die soon"—

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