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Millie's POV-

Three years later..

"I'm gonna throw up." I looked into the mirror, grabbing my water bottle.

"Maya grab her some crackers!" Sadie rushed over, fixing my hair & makeup.

"Today's the day." She smiled, putting her hands on my shoulders, looking at me through the mirror.

"Shit." Tears started burning in my eyes, as i rushed to grab a tissue.

"HOLD IT IN MILLIE THIS TOOK HOURS!" Sadie screamed, making me laugh.

"I wish my mom could be here to see this." I whispered, catching my tears with a tissue.

"She would be so proud." Maya smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm sure she is looking down on you smiling." Maddie handed me my bouquet, smiling.

"Thanks you guys, I love ya'll." I pulled them in for a hug, making sure not to mess up my makeup & hair.

"Shit now i'm crying!" Sadie yelled, grabbing the tissues.

Finn's POV-

"I'm gonna throw up." I leaned over the sink, holding my stomach.

"Get it together Finn, you don't want your breath smelling like throw up when you're across from Millie in the aisle." Caleb handed me some water, patting my shoulder.

"That would be hilarious." Gaten laughed, dapping up Noah.

"Y'all are the worst groomsmen ever." I rolled my eyes, taking a chug of water.

"They're ready for you." Noah got up, opening the door.

Here goes nothing.

General POV-

"You ready?" David asked, wrapping his arm around Millie's.

"Don't let me fall." Millie sighed, staring at the doors that were fixing to open.


The doors opened, as Finn looked up, widening his eyes.

'Beautiful', he thought to himself, as he saw her walking toward him. She was more beautiful than he could imagine. Her hair was curled perfectly, her makeup was minimal to where he could still see her beautiful complexion, and her dress fit her body perfectly.

Tears started pouring from both of their eyes, as she got closer, eventually meeting him at the front of the aisle.

"You're perfect." He whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek.


"Now for the vows."

"Millie. Standing in front of you today, I can't believe I am lucky enough to call you my wife. Since the day I met you, I have waited for this day. I imagined you in a white dress, everytime I would doze off during our torturing sessions." Millie let out a small chuckle, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I never told you this, but the first time I met your mom, I told her that I would do anything in my power to keep you safe and loved, & I know she is looking down on you right now smiling from ear to ear. I promise to always put you first, through sickness & it health, and never let anything get in between us. I will love you until my last dying breath." Finn cried, wiping his tears with his sleeves.

You could hear Sadie sobbing from a mile away, making the crowd laugh,

"Finn. Before I met you, I remember how sad my life was. I felt so lonely, and I truly thought I would never find happiness. I thought no one could ever fill the hold in my heart, I thought i was destined to be alone, and then you came along, & annoyed the crap out of me at first." The crowd laughed, as Finn wiped his tears chuckling. "My mom always told me about love, but I never knew how strong it could feel until i fell in love with you. Since then, I have loved you more & more each day, & I didn't even think that was possible. The thought of spending the rest of my life with you makes me incredibly happy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you so much." She cried, full on sobbing,

"You may now kiss the"— Finn cut him off, smashing his lips onto Millie's, as she sighed, melting into the kiss.

The crowd cheered, with tissues everywhere.

"I love you." He cupped her cheeks, resting his forehead on hers.

"I love you more."


Five years later.

"Say m-a-m-a." Millie smiled, holding her son Mike.

"D-a-d-a." Mike mumbled, making Millie roll her eyes.

"YES THATS RIGHT!" Finn jumped, pulling Mike from Millie's arms.

"I hate you." She crossed her arms.

"You love me." Finn sighed, kissing Millie's cheek. "He is the cutest thing in the world." Finn gushed, rocking Mike.

"Other than you of course." He winked, making Millie blush. "Let's have another one."

"Finn he's barely a year old!" Millie laughed, admiring her husband & perfect baby.

"We have so much time, let's enjoy the moments we have with this little one." Millie sighed, feeding Mike his bottle.

"We made the cutest baby Millie, I can't wait to have more." Finn smiled, admiring his beautiful family.

"I love you." She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you more."

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