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two weeks later

"okay, i read over your essay and... it sucks." i set the paper down on the table, as finn opened his mouth in shock, giving me a rude look.

"what? how? i tried my hardest."

"you don't have enough detail, & it's a bit inappropriate finn, you literally talked about how your summer was just you having sex." i crossed my arms, as he groaned, sitting back in his chair.

"the essay is supposed to be what we did over the summer, & that's what i did. i don't see the problem." he shrugged, making me groan in frustration.

"can't you write about something else you did last summer?"

"i didn't do anything but hook up with girls & go to parties, not my fault i'm wild one." he winked, making me roll my eyes.

"i don't know what to tell you Finn, your writing sucks & i've tried helping you." i gave him a look, making him sigh.

"finnie can you hurry up already? i wanna go to your place." some girl whined, picking at her acrylics, sitting in the corner of the room.

"why is she here?" i asked, rolling my eyes.

"we've got plans tonight but i told her i have to study since you wouldn't let me reschedule." he glared at me, as i chuckled, shaking my head

"finn you asked me to help you and that's what i'm trying to do so stop complaining."

"fine. listen, the girls kinda annoying but her pussy's great so i gotta do what i gotta do ya know?" he smirked, as i gagged, rolling my eyes.

"gross. listen i've gotta go, just rewrite your essay or lie about something you did in the summer, & ADD detail!" i got up, putting my backpack over my right shoulder.

"leaving so soon? you got a dick appointment?" he winked, as i gave him a rude look.

"no dickface, i'm visiting my mom." i rolled my eyes, as he stayed quiet, pursing his lips together.

"sorry bout that."

"yeah whatever. write your essay by tomorrow, three pages." i walked out, seeing his little bitch give me a rude look.

people can be so rude.

"see ya brit!" he yelled, as i rolled my eyes,
pretending i didn't hear it.

i walked to the bus stop, sitting down on the little bench, patiently waiting for the bus.


"have a nice day." i smiled, passing the person their bag.

i work at hollister, it's not too good of money but it'll do.

"millie!" i heard a familiar voice yell, as i looked up, seeing Sadie.

"hey." i smiled, surprised she was here.

"guess the frick what!" she squealed, as i furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head.

"yeah?" i chuckled, giving her a weird look.

"since i obviously don't have a chance with caleb considering he's way too popular for me, i found a new guy! he's super hot & he's a senior." sadie winked, making me gasp.

"no way let me see!"

"okay!" she grabbed her phone from her back pocket, pulling up his instagram, as i gasped, taking her phone.

"damn he's hot, go you!" i gave her a high five, as she smiled happily.

"what's his name?"

"Romeo! he goes to another school but it's only like twenty minutes away." she shrugged, as i nodded in approval.

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