{23} Anxiety

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millies POV/ two weeks from last chapter/

i was currently laying in bed with finn, while he played with my hair, as i sighed, playing with his shirt.

"what ya thinking about mills?" finn smiled lightly, making me look up at him.

"nothing, i'm just happy." i smiled lightly, as he smiled, kissing me softly. i rested my hand on his cheek, getting closer to him, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"we're gonna be late for school." i mumbled into the kiss, as he shrugged, not pulling away.

"school can wait." he pulled me closer, as i smiled, giving in. i wrapped my arms around his neck, hovering over him, as he sighed, resting his hands on my torso.

"we should really go." i chuckled, pulling away, as he sighed, nodding.

"sadly." he frowned, as i chuckled, kissing his cheek before getting off of him.

i grabbed my bag, as we walked downstairs, with our fingers intertwined.


i walked into school with finn, as sadie squealed, running up to me. "i'm gonna go with caleb, i'll see you later." finn kissed my cheek, walking up.

"yeah?" i chuckled, giving her a confused look.

"caleb asked me to prom! i'm so excited!" she screamed, as i smiled, hugging her.

"congratulations! i'm so happy for you." i smiled, as she nodded, smiling widely.

"how did finn ask you?" she asked, making me chuckle lightly.

"he hasn't. i don't really think prom is his thing." i sighed, making her frown.

"but millie don't you want to go?"

"i still have the next two years for prom sadie. if he doesn't want to go then i understand." i gave a small smile, as sadie frowned, nodding her head.

"well i'm gonna go see caleb, i'll talk to you later." she smiled, walking off, as i sighed, walking to my locker.

0f course i want to go to prom but prom isn't really finns thing and i don't have any money for a dress anyways, and i don't wanna ask my mom for any money. she's barely keeping up with the house bills.

i sighed, opening up my locker, as finn smiled, walking up to me.

"hey mills, want me to walk you to class?" he smiled. as i nodded, smiling lightly.

he intertwined our fingers, as we walked into class, sitting down. i noticed prom posters everywhere, making me want to go.

"ugh, prom." finn rolled his eyes, as i chuckled awkwardly, nodding.


finn picked me up from the hospital, as i sighed, walking in finns house with him.

"come upstairs, i have something for you." he smiled, as i furrowed my eyebrows, smiling.

i nodded slowly, walking upstairs with him into his room, as he smiled, handing me a box.

"what's this?" i smiled, as he shrugged, smiling.

i opened the box, as i gasped, widening my eyes. it was the most gorgeous thing i have ever seen.

it was a pink prom dress with roses all over it. it looked hella expensive that's for sure.

"finn... this is too much, i can't accept this." i frowned, as he shook his head, smiling.

"no refunds."

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