{21} Over

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millies POV-

i think something's wrong with finn.

he's been acting distant, not really talking, i don't know. i hope he's better today

i walked into school with sadie, seeing finn by his locker, as i sighed, facing sadie.

"i'll catch you later okay?"

"alright." she smiled, walking off to see caleb, as i sighed, walking over to finn.

"hey, you alright?" i chuckled, as he nodded slowly, giving a plain look.

"i'm fine, i've gotta go, i'll see you later okay?"

"finn class doesn't start for another ten minutes."

"i know." he walked off, as i sighed, looking around.

"told ya to stay away. he gets tired of girls easily. once he gets what he wants he leaves." iris smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"we haven't had sex iris."

"hm, well maybe he's just flat out tired of you." she shrugged, walking away, as i rolled my eyes, sighing.

i walked to class, being the first one there, as i sighed, laying my head down on the desk.

the bell rang and i waited for finn to come to class but he never did.


the last bell of the day rang, as i sighed, deciding to text finn.

- hey, did you leave school or something?¿

finn💛🤞- needed a break

-well it seems like you needed a break from me...

finn💛🤞- it's not like that, i'll text you later okay?❤️

i sighed, deciding to leave him on read, as i walked out of school with sadie since she was dropping me off at the hospital.


i got home from the hospital, as i sighed, walking into my room & laying down in my bed.

i heard my phone go off, as i sighed, answering the call seeing it was finn.


"hey mills."

"what's up?"

"nothing, can you open your door?"


i got up, walking out of my room, as i sighed, opening the door, seeing Finn.

"hey." he gave a small smile, as i waved, letting him in.

we walked to my room, as i sighed, sitting down next to him.

"why have you been avoiding me?" i asked, giving a confused look.

"because i'm not ready for you to break up with me."

"what? who said i was gonna break up with you?" i furrowed my eyebrows, chuckling.

"stop it millie. iris told me that you were texting other guys like jacob and telling them you were gonna break up with me. mills i get that i'm not the hottest person in the world and that i can be a dick sometimes but i'm really trying here mills." he gave an angry look, crossing his arms.

"you're really gonna believe her over me?"

"well i don't know who to believe anymore millie." he glared at me, as tears burned in my eyes.

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