{27} Space

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sorry for the delay, i started back school & imma sophomore now so there's that😂

millies POV-

i walked into school, seeing finn by his locker, waving at me. "hey mills, we haven't really been talking all week, that's wrong?" he furrowed his eyebrows, as i shrugged, looking down.

"i've been with my mom." i muttered, as he nodded, giving a small smile.

"how is she?"

"not good. her cancers spreading." i looked down, as tears burned in my eyes.

"millie she's gonna be okay." finn gave me a hug, as i sniffled, burying my face in his shoulder.

"thanks finn, i love you." i sniffled, as he nodded, hugging me tightly.

"i love you to mills." he whispered, as i sighed, seeing people staring.

"i don't really wanna be here, i think i'm just gonna leave." i mumbled, as he nodded, pulling away.

"do you want me to come with you?"

"i'm fine."

"okay, call me if you need anything okay?" finn gave a small smile, as i nodded slowly, walking away.


i got home, closing my door, as i sniffled, walking to my room. i slammed my door, walking to my bed, as i laid down, crying.

why do bad things always happen to me?

i sniffled, getting under the covers, eventually falling asleep.


i woke up to kisses on my cheek, as i slowly opened my eyes, seeing finn, as i sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"what time is it?"

"four, you've been asleep all day." finn sat down on my bed, sighing.

"oh okay." i yawned, as he chuckled, nodding.

"what do you wanna do today?"'

"nothing, i think i'm just gonna stay in today." i shrugged, as finn sighed, sitting next to me.

"mills seriously, what's wrong?"

"what are you talking about?" i furrowed my eyebrows, making him give me a look.

"you've been distant lately and you haven't been wanting to do anything but stay in bed all day." finn crossed his arms, as i sighed, giving him a  look.

"i'm fine."

"then why have you been avoiding me? am i being too clingy or something?"

"finn, you're fine." i chuckled, as he shook his head getting up.

"i just don't understand you millie. do you not want to hang out with me or something. i get that you're upset about your mom but i'm just trying to be here for you. i really am."

"finn i just need space okay?"

"from what millie?" finn furrowed his eyebrows, making me look down.

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