{16} Hoe

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millies POV-

"that's the last bag!" sadie squealed, shoving everything in the back of the SUV, as i chuckled, smiling.

we were about to go to the cabin, but the drive is eight hours so i'm not looking forward to that. there were seven seats in the car, so at least it won't be cramped.
finn & caleb decided to switch places driving so they both sat in the front while i sat in between sadie & noah while gaten slept in the back since he's hungover.

"omg i'm so excited! we're gonna have so much fun!" sadie squealed, clapping her hands happily, as i chuckled, sighing.

i really hope this vacation will get my mind off of things. i sighed, reading my book, talking to sadie & noah while finn and caleb listened to music talking.


two hours in

everyone else was asleep except for me finn and noah, as i sighed, starting to feel a bit tired.

"so are you excited?" noah asked, as i nodded, shrugging.

"yeah, i'm really looking forward to seeing the cabin as well." i smiled, as he nodded smiling.

"maybe we can hang out sometime this week." he smiled, as i nodded smiling.

"break check." finn hit the breaks, as i fell forward, scratching myself by the seatbelt, as gaten screamed, falling off the seat since he was laying down.

"what the hell finn?" sadie groaned, rubbing her head, while caleb was still asleep in the front.

someone got jealous.

"oops." finn smirked, as i chuckled, shaking my head.

i sighed, laying back, with my headphones in, enjoying the rest of the drive.


we finally got to the cabin, as i widened my eyes, seeing how gigantic it was. there's probably at least ten rooms in here.

"damn." noah mumbled, as everyone nodded except for caleb.

"i'm rich, what can i say." caleb joked, as we rolled our eyes, chuckling.

we got our suitcases out from the back, as caleb grabbed his key, opening the door.

"woah." i mumbled, walking in, seeing how gigantic the place was.

"there's seven rooms, so sadie and i will bunk together, the rest of y'all can have y'alls own rooms, but me & sadie get the master." caleb smiled, putting his arm around sadie, leading her upstairs, as i sighed, walking up as well.

i looked around, finding a room that i liked, as i smiled, setting my stuff down. it had a king size bed with a big window with a great view, a cute little bathroom, & a pretty spacious closet.

there was also a gigantic tv so that's continent.

"damn you got the nice room. i can't imagine what the master looks like." finn walked in, as i nodded, smiling.

"what room are you staying in?" i asked, as he pointed to the room across from mine.

"it has a back door that leads to a patio so i had to choose it." he smiled, as i nodded, smiling. "not as nice as this one though" he chuckled, as i shrugged, smiling.

"so what about that date?" he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, as i smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"are you sure you wanna go on a date with me? there's plenty of other cute girls." i gave him look, as he sighed, shrugging.

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