{32} I cant Stop

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Millies POV-

As i stare at my window like i've been doing for the past two hours, i just get sadder.

My life really hasn't been the best for months.

The hospital found more masses in my mom. They said it could possibly be Lymphoma this time.

I haven't told anyone though. Sadie is always with Caleb and well.. you know about me and Finn.

Sometimes i miss him.

I sighed, checking my watch, realizing Sadie is probably parked out front. I grabbed my bag, walking out of the door.

"hey girl." sadie smiled, as i waved, getting in the car. "you good?" she asked, making me nod my head.

We pulled into the school, as i sighed, dreading another day of hell. School used to be fun for me, now it's just terrible.

I don't sit with Sadie at lunch anymore because she sits with Caleb and Caleb sits with the rest of the group including Finn.

I usually eat in the classroom. Mrs. Dyer doesn't mind it.

I walked into the school, as Sadie pulled me aside, pointing to Finn and Iris arguing.

"You can't just expect me to be with you all the time Iris. It's annoying!" he yelled, making a scene.

"Fine! I'm going to a party without you anyway!" she yelled, making me & Sadie chuckle.

"Do what you want! we're over!" Finn yelled, making me widen my eyes.

"ugh!" Iris yelled, storming off.

"Oh and by the way, i cheated on you with Millie!" he screamed at her, making everyone gasp.

shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.

I saw Iris turn around, giving me the dead eye, as i widened my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You did what?!" she yelled at Finn, as he shrugged, crossing his arms.

"You will pay for this Millie!" she yelled, storming off once again.

i turned around, seeing everyone stare at me while they whispered to their friends.

I looked at Finn, giving him an upset look, as i ran out of the school.

I am so not showing my face anymore.

I decided to walk home, it's not that far anyways.

"Mills!" i turned around, seeing Finn catch up to me, as i scoffed, ignoring him.

"wait! i'm sorry!" he yelled, as i ignored him, continuing to walk.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, she just made me so pissed"—

"Really Finn! Really? All you care about is yourself! You just embarrassed me in front of the whole school!" i yelled, making him sigh.

"I'm sorry. But i'm not selfish!"

"You are Finn! You always put yourself before others. And. you're a cheater!"

"you helped me cheat!"

"I was drunk, you took advantage of me!" i yelled, making him scoff.

"You know i was drunk too."

"Whatever Finn. I don't even care anymore." I sniffled, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Shit why am i so dramatic?

"Mills please, I'm sorry."

"Leave me alone."

"Mills." he grabbed my arm, turning me around, as i stopped walking.

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