{35} Tell Me

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i miss parties and alcohol - val

millies POV-

I walked into school, walking to my locker, feeling arms wrap around me.

"i missed you." finn whispered in my ear, causing shivers so go down my spine.

i turned around, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him lightly.

everyone was staring.

"I should get to class." I chuckled, walking off.


"Mills guess what!" Finn walked up to me, smiling.

"yeah?" i chuckled, wondering why he was so happy.

"I got accepted into UCLA!" he smiled, making me smile widely.

"Awe that's amazing." i smiled, hugging him.

I can't believe we only have a few weeks left of school. Finn will go to college and I will still be in this hell hole.

I hate being a year younger than him.

I'm glad he got accepted but it's not like he's going to UCLA anyway, i mean it's all the way in Cali.

"I'm gonna miss you Mills." he frowned, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"i thought you wanted to go to Georgia State?"

"I thought so too but UCLA is the better option." he shrugged, making me nod.

deep down i was upset, but that would just be selfish of me. Going to UCLA is his dream, i can't take that away from him.

"Well i'm gonna miss you too. But we can visit from time to time." i winked, smiling.

"And we have the whole summer together." he smiled, making me nod.

I'm really gonna miss him.

"Well i should get to the hospital, I'll see you later." i kissed his cheek, walking to Sadie's car.

"We should do something this summer. Like go to the beach or something." she shrugged, making me nod.

"yeah, that sounds fun. Besides, i really need a vacation." i chuckled, getting on my phone.

I got on snapchat, going through stories.

"Of course Iris is posting slutty photos." i rolled my eyes, getting on instagram instead.

"She's such a slut, i can't believe Finn ever dated her." Sadie scoffed, keeping her eyes on the road.

"tell me about it." i mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"So do you want me to drop you off at the hospital or at your house?" sadie asked.

"The hospital."

"okay." she smiled, continuing to drive.


I walked into my moms room, smiling, as she smiled weakly, waving.

"Hey mom." i smiled, sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Hey sweetie. How was school?"

"Boring like always." i chuckled, smiling.

"So are you and Finn back together?" she smirked.

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