{18} Blown Off

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millies POV-

"oh my god you're gonna look gorgeous!" sadie squealed, applying my mascara, as i chuckled, smiling.

"sadie it's really not that big deal, we're probably going to the movies or something."

"are you kidding me? finns rich, he's probably taking you to a fancy dinner or somethinh, how cute!" she squealed, finishing up my mascara.

we just got back from the cabin a few days ago, & we're finally going on our first date. we were supposed to go on our date when were on vacation but the roads were closed from the snow storm so we had to wait till we got back home.

"so is he gonna ask you out?" sadie smirked, making me shrug.

"sadie it's our first date chill." i chuckled, as he shrugged, putting on some blush.

"well to be fair y'all have been talking for like a month sooooo." she shrugged, as i nodded in agreement, shrugging. y

"well anyway, if he asks you out what will you say?"

"i dunno, we'll have have to see when it happens."
i shrugged, as she nodded, squealing.

"ugh, ship!" she smiled, applying some lipstick on my face.

"now go get dressed & i'll do your hair!" she smiled, as i nodded, getting up to grab my outfit.

sadie knows i hate dresses, so she gave me a skirt instead, it's not really a difference but it'll do.


"millie you look gorgeous!" sadie squealed, as i saw her water up.

"sadie why are you crying?" i awed, as she shrugged, smiling.

"you're just so beautiful! ugh i stan." she sighed, giving me a hug, as i chuckled, hugging her back.

i got a text, as i furrowed my eyebrows, unlocking my phone.

maya😒💛- come to the hospital. it's urgent

i looked up at sadie, as she furrowed her eyebrows, giving a confused look.

"sadie thank you so much for helping em her ready but i have to go to the hospital."

"what?! why?" she asked, grabbing her keys, as tears started burning in my eyes.

"sadie there's something wrong with my mom, what do i do?" i asked, freaking out.

"millie you're gonna have to cancel." sadie gave a sad look, as i nodded, looking down. "i'm sure he'll understand." she gave a small smile, as i nodded, grabbing my phone.

finns POV-

"blue or black?" i asked, holding two ties in front of my jacket.

"hmmm, black." caleb shrugged, as i nodded, putting it on. i quickly grabbed my cologne, spraying myself all over, putting a breath mint in my mouth.

"bro i'm nervous, i'm not the date kinda guy." i paced around my room, as caleb chuckled, shaking his head.

"you'll be fine." he chuckled, as i sighed, nodding.

i grabbed my keys, hearing my phone ding, as i quickly unlocked my phone.

millie😗- hey, can't make it tonight. maybe tomorrow? x

"bro." i looked up at caleb, as he furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing my phone & reading the text.

"rejected!" he laughed, as i rolled my eyes, giving him a look.

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