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Millie's POV-

I groaned, walking into school. God i hate this place. I wish I could just drop out & runaway with Finn but, he won't let me unfortunately.

He's lucky he only has a few more weeks left of high school.

"Hey friend." Sadie smiled, locking arms with me.

I smiled, chit chatting with her while walking to my locker to open it.

"Oh my GOD MILLIE!" Sadie screamed, noticing the ring.

"Keep it down!" I shushed, feeling eyes on me.

"What the hell is that?" Iris walked up, pulling my hand.


"What do you think it looks like?" Finn walked up, putting his arm around me.

Iris shrieked, breaking out into laughter. "Please, this is a joke right?! OH MY GOD. EVERYONE MILLIE IS PREGNANT." Iris screamed, making my cheeks heat up.

"NO SHE ISNT." Sadie screamed, getting in Iris' face. "They're in love Iris, something you will never experience." She smirked, turning back to me.

"Thanks." I mouthed, giving Sadie a small smile.

I saw tears streaming down Iris' cheeks as i furrowed my eyebrows, giving her a weird look.

"That was supposed to be me!" She stormed off, making me chuckle.

"She's insane." Finn laughed, grabbing my hand.

"The ring fits you perfectly." He kissed my hand, making my heart flutter.

"Hate to break up this perfect moment but, everyone is staring." Caleb whispered, pulling us out of our trance.

"What is everyone looking at? Yeah we're engaged, so what?!" Finn yelled, making me widen my eyes.

This is so embarrassing oh my God.

"Maybe we should ditch class today." I mumbled, looking up at him.

"No, I'm gonna show off my fiancé. Screw what everyone else thinks." He shrugged, walking with me to class.


"So when's the wedding?" Gaten asked, pulling a seat up next to us at lunch.

"We have no plan as of yet. Kinda just enjoying the moment right now." I smiled, seeing Sadie smile, putting a hand on her heart.

"Step up Caleb." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him.

"Hey!" he threw his hands up in the hair in surrender.

"You guys are crazy for this." Noah mumbled, picking at his food.

"Someone's jealous." Gaten teased, making Noah's cheeks heat up.

"You will find your person Noah." I gave a small smile, as he nodded his head.

"Yeah we're crazy but, why wait." Finn shrugged, putting his hand on my thigh.

He squeezed it a little, making me flinch. We have been so intimate recently, we can't keep our hands off of each other.

He slowly moved his hand up, making me slap him.

"Not here." I whispered, making him chuckle.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered, making me breathe shakily.

"No." I teased, seeing him frown. "You can wait"—

"Guys were literally at lunch." Caleb snapped his fingers, pulling us out of our trance.

"I think it's hot." Sadie winked, making me blush from embarrassment.


*Thud* Finn shoved everything off of the table, picking me up & setting me down on it.

"You can't even wait till we're upstairs." I mumbled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around him.

"Nope." He sighed, ripping my shirt off.

"We're home!" I shrieked, quickly getting off of the table putting my shirt back on.

"Hi— Oh! Sorry!" Finn's mom shrieked, covering her eyes.

Oh my God this is so humiliating.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Wolfhard, we were just... well I actually can't find an explanation." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" Finn asked, crossing his arms.

"We're in for a few days, I- What is that?" She crossed her arms, examining my ring.


"Uh-I- Well"—

"We're engaged." Finn cut me off, putting his arm around me.

"What?!" Finn's dad walked around the corner, setting his bag down.

"Shit how long have we been gone?" He checked his phone, looking at the date.

"Look, I don't even wanna hear it okay? We're getting married, end of story." Finn shrugged, standing up to his parents.

"Look, no judgement here. We got married young too but, are you sure about this?" His mom asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh my God are you pregnant?" She rushed over to me, putting her hand on my stomach.

"Why is everyone saying that!" He yelled, throwing his hands up.

"No, I'm not." I smiled awkwardly, chuckling from embarrassment.

"I'm certain that I want to marry her. You either support me or you don't." Finn put his arm around me, making me smile lightly.

"Fine. Now go grab our luggage, we're staying for the weekend." She ordered Finn, as he rolled his eyes, walking outside.

"I'm gonna go home for the day." I smiled, kissing Finn's cheek.

"Why? We can go upstairs to continue where we left off." He winked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Spend time with your parents, they're rarely home for a weekend." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Fine, I'll see you later then. I love you." He kissed my forehead, pulling away.

"I love you." I smiled, walking to my car.

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