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After that accident I never wanted to go outside my room I kept myself isolated it killed me to know that I have killed so many people, and I almost did the same with Jill he does not enter my room anyone it's his brother who does that one seems to be crazy I just can't figure him out he does not care that I almost killed his brother only because what I did amused him. Who the hell gets amused by someone who tried to your own brother. He has made it clear to me that today they have something special for me he said it is something I will also like. There is something that tells me I won't like it when last did I talk to my fox oh, my God she must feel abandoned right now. The door gets unlocked, and I'm surprised to see Jill here.

Jill: "You surprise to see me". He flashes an ugly smile like his name.

Blade: "Get up Tris we don't have time to waste today is the day or did you forget already". I shook my head and walk towards him we walk outside, and goes downstairs I stop when we reach the room that had blood all over it. He turns to look at me.

Blade: "Make it fast princess we have to go". I snap out of it then make my way to him we pass the room and enter another one it was painted black, and white, and there was a big machine on the center of it I froze is that was he was talking about that big machine. I glance at him he grins at me.

Jill: "Are you ready powerful girl?". I'm so scared what will that machine do to me I try to mind link my fox and she answers me. I smile with a tear running down my cheek.

(Mind Link)

Kira: "Do not worry Tris I'm always here with you but you need to destroy that machine".

Me: "Will I be able to do it?".

Kira: "Together we will trust me". Jill pushes me forward I take small steps and finally reach it. I look back at them. The machine door open I climb and get inside of it I fit perfectly it closes itself. I feel a sting on my arms,legs,neck then I feel like I want to close my eyes.

"Open your eyes don't close them Tris fight this you can do it". I hear a voice speaking to me.

"Tristin Bella Furler show them who you are and what you're capable of don't give up". I slowly open my eyes it's like this voice is giving me power I hear beeping sound. I feel my body getting hot the fox fire is finally back the room is suddenly vibrating.

"That's it you are doing great my girl push harder than this break this machine into pieces". Is this my Mom? Why did it say "my girl" this is not Kira voice.

"TRISTIN UNLEASH IT!!!". The voice shouts and suddenly the glass breaks off I jump out of the machine the held out my hand towards it and set it on fire. Something is wrong with me why do I feel like I'm changing whenever I'm in my power form. The brothers are stunned by this I can see Blade is very angry at this I smile and move towards them, but Jill takes a step back. I glance at him.

Blade: "Don't you dare think about it Tris". He warns me I smile.

Jill: "She will definitely--". I close my eyes and I feel like I'm falling somewhere else then when I open my eyes I'm inside this house that I don't know where am I? was I able to disappear from them? Kira talk to me where am I?.

"Who are you and how did you enter my house?". I turn around frightened to hear a bold voice there stood a guy holding a glass of water I quickly walk towards him and yank it from his hand then drinks it all. He looks at me shocked. I look at him then decide to move closer to him my face was few inches from his face he gasp with his eyes wide open. I can't tell what he is, but I try to mind link him but with no luck then I tried again it finally worked.

THE MUTE MATE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now