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[Isak Danielson - Broken plays on the background]

Chloe is shivering on the floor they have been injecting her with something that is making her body to be weak she was cold her wolf was not even there she felt like it's gone. She was thinking about the pack how. they made her happy made her feel like she is home she has a family she thought about  Amber whom became her best friend was always bubbly making jokes always fighting with Charlie who was also a problematic one in the pack she then thought about Rick who was down to earth to Tellie their favorite person ever with a lovely heart Tony their Beta whom they trust with their lives then how can she forget their Alpha yes, he was not a good Alpha but he cared about them she saw that she did not care what other packs would say about him she knows he loves them and would do anything for them she was praying to Moon Goddess that they notice her disappearance. Chloe winced she felt her bones were slowly becoming weak she new she was not going to make it. Will they look for her? Did they notice she was gone? Is Amber worried about her? Did they call her? She had so many questions the floor was so cold making matters worse for her another girl died today she has lost count of how many girls have been taken out who have died she knew her time is coming. Her voice was already gone shd could not even cry, scream she was so powerless her wolf was also gone. How can this happen to her? Why out of all person they chose to kidnapped? Why are they doing this to them? What will they accomplish by torturing them like this?. The pain she was feeling was beyond anything she wanted it to go away if it means she must die for it to go away then that is what she wished for. She sat wincing in pain only three of them were still alive there were rumors she heard from these girls that a boy has been captured, but he is no ordinary boy. They told her he has been locked up in the new room the door is written "Unknown".  She wanted to ask them more about this boy, but her voice was very weak. The door opened a guy wearing all white clothes got inside and went to the other girl she shook her head.

Girl: "Plea—Please I—I—I hate what you do to me—don't—take me plea—se I hurts so bad I won't make it". He chuckles.

Guy: "You see her". He points at Chloe who sweating her eye half closed. "She won't make it through the day so you are lucky you can still talk she can't even say a word so stop wasting my time let's go". He picked her up she was beating him screaming for him to put her down they walked out he locked the door. They were now two inside the girl glanced at Chloe in pity.

Girl: "Hey, I'm sorry you are in this state I know they will come for me when they bring her back at the end of all of this we will all die just like the others please don't give up.....damn, I'm sorry,  I know you are in pain, and death is what you wish for right now um, name is Angela I know I won't get to know yours, but you are strong fight this I know you can". Tears fell down Chloe eye's she never thought she might hear such nice words from a stranger. She wanted to tell Angela her name, but she couldn't her eyes closed and she felt her body betraying her falling into darkness. Angela watched Chloe body lying there lifeless she could not even move to her because her leg was beyond repairs she was also chained because she once tried to escape so they consider her a threat.


Tristin was in her room she felt something is wrong, and she knows it is connected to Chloe she called out Kira.

Tris: "Chloe no Kira she is still alive right? why do I feel like she is gone". She sat down.

Kira: "Tris she is very weak I can feel her too if you don't save her right now we might lose her". She shook her head.

Tris: "What if I don't come back I don't want to Damien to be upset just like last time if he finds me gone hell will beak lose Kira".

Kira: "Hell will break lose but at least you would save Chloe so stop thinking about Damien right now I'm also blocking Connor I know he will tell him". She nods.

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