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Blade and his brother were in Tris room they seem to be thinking about something.

Jill: "She seemed to have disappeared without a trace we can't even smell her scent not to mention her powers where could she be". He was frustrated by this.

Blade: "She could be anywhere what if this was her entire plan she knew she could vanish so what if she was waiting for the right time to do so the way she broke that machine confirms it". Jill screamed angrily.

Jill: "So you telling me she fooled us wow we were fooled by that girl so what now we have nothing left to do". Blade sigh sharply.

Blade: "She did because why is she not in the pack she chose to disappear somewhere else a place we don't even know explain that to me". he said, taking a sharp breath.

Jill: "Fuck....she really played us man". He swore again under his breath.

Blade: "Let's wait for her to make her move she's coming back for us she will take her revenge on us do you think she will let us go just like that". Jill gasped.

Jill: "Fuck how powerful is she?".

Blade: "You don't want to know". He walks out of the room sighing heavily his brother follows him.

Every pack was preparing for the big day they were either training, preparing what to wear some were even excited about seeing other pack or having to find their mate's on the night. This ceremony is a very big ceremony because Alpha's, Beta's, Omega's, Werecoyote, Hellbounds you name it they were all going to there the elderly people whom are well known for their great leadership and what they have achieved those people will be there as they famous of doing many great things for their pack and have now retired. This ceremony brings out every pack to came, and enjoy their night find their mate then fight for their pack. It is done every year and the pack that has been winning has been the Red Moon Pack followed by the Gold Moon Pack the third place is Silver Moon Pack then Clay Moon Pack. These pack have been doing great all these years they never lost in any battle so this time we will witness what will happen.


Tris is back to work and it seems like today is one busy there people are ordering too many drinks, and she stunned by this and does not know whom to ask about what is going on. She countinues to serve people they have finally familiar with her right now they don't bother her or make bad remark they seem to be nice to her now. She goes to the back, and dispose the bottles then walks back in her body suddenly goes cold. She closes her eyes Kira please answer me.

(Mind Link)

Tris: "He is here right that man my body reacted like this last time he was so that means he is back". She was nervous.

Kira: "I believe he is but don't worry Tris he won't harm you just relax okay now go do your work". She goes silent Tris takes a deep breath then walks in back she looks around and her eyes meet his he is sitting on the same table, but this time with only one guy from his pack. She goes to Danny.

Danny: "I think you need to go attend table one the Red Moon table I'm sorry last time was hectic so I pray today it goes well for you". She sighed closing her eyes. Then walks to their table each step feels like she is walking towards a volcano that's how her body feels it is getting hot. She finally reaches it then smile nervous she hates feeling this way, but she does not show it. He is looking at her with so much strong gaze.

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