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The brothers are stunned looking at each they felt it too when Tris powers were unleashed they felt it but it was too late for them to trace it as if it seemed like it was happening in two places which made everything confusing for them.

Blade: "She's playing mind games with us she knows exactly what she is doing if we attack now we might be falling for a trap". He nodded.

Jill: "You think this might be a trap but we can't even attack because we don't know where she is we only felt her powers but it was little for us to trace where she might actually be damnit she's really playing mind games with us". He cussed under his breath.

Blade: "I don't think going to her is a good even if we trace about her whereabouts we were not going to win her over she is perfectly strong she would know we are there, and she would attack without hesitation so I still stand on what I said let's wait for her to come to us then we'll take it from there".  Jill nodded.

Jill: "I agree with you it is bad idea to go to her she is very angry at us and she might just kill us without even saying a word to her".

Blade: "You know I had so many plans for her I wanted to have her by my side to look at her while she's busy destroying our enemies I wanted to feed her hunger, but look now she's nowhere to be found". He was deeply hurt about what was happening right now.

Jill: "Hey, hey, hey are you having a weak heart right now are you breaking down in front of me don't do that I know you better that than so stop it". He yell in frustration. Blade almost laughed then, but his expression was strained.

Blade: "Me breaking down for that girl who never wanted to work with us, but only played us I will kill her when her time comes". Jill smirk.

Jill: "Now that's the Blade I know do you think she knows that she never killed anyone that was only an illusion?". Blade shook her head.

Blade: "No, she does not know I made sure it looked real even now she still thinks she killed people on that room". Jill laughs hard.

Jill: "Damn, she will be mad when she finds out the truth I can't wait to see the look on her if she comes to us will we go against her will we fight her?". Blade sighed.

Blade: "She will never work with us she will come to us only to kill us are you going to die without a fight because I'm not dying without trying anything".

Jill: "The hell I'll die fighting I will make sure to fight with everything I've got".

Blade: "She will not win that easily I won't that let happen". He guilps on his drink. Jill does the same.


The pack was still drinking and the Alpha was amazed how everyone could hold their alcohol they have been here when the sky was still blue now it's black it's night he can't believe they stayed this long. He watch other pack have fun some are dancing with no worry in the world.

Tony: "The big day is coming everyone is excited about it I heard Matthew Ray is also coming". The Alpha laughed so loud he even banged the table startling the others. Tony eyes widened. Tris also just entered the club, and she is also witnessing this in awe. She admits the man has a beautiful smile she did not know he has dimples she snaps out of it.

Charlie: "Oh, man is our Alpha losing it?". He whispers to Rick who was watching this carefully.

Damien: "Beta you think I care if Matthew Ray will be there I don't even mind beating him up I wish we could fight together I want crush him with my bare hands". He was angry you could tell from his voice. He was shocked to see Tris standing there watching him he took his eyes off her she also quickly left, and went to change. Her shift has started she was busy cleaning the tables as usual taking orders. He watched her body move in a swift motion how she would smile to the customers, but would give them a nervous smile. He guilps his drink.

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