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Everything that happened was taking a ton on everyone Steve was stressed because Jay was ignoring him. He said he wanted to go back to his Aunt to find out what really happened to him. He was not picking up Steve's call not replying to his text Steve felt helpless. Damien was in Steve's study his eyes going left and right as Steve paced up and down he sighed. He has never seen Steve like this. He gulps his drinks he throw his glass on the wall.

Steve: "Fuck him Torres I really hate this". Hands on his head he was breathing hard.

Damien: "Look Steven just sit down man and relax maybe he is busy remember his a famous man give him time". Steve sighed sitting down.

Steve: "I can't believe you are watching me whin over a man...this is ridiculous". He chuckled.

Damien: "Love is not ridiculous I was also going crazy when I met Bella". Steve smile.

Steve: "I can see how happy you are with her thank you for making her happy". Damien gulps his drink.

Damien: "This is funny for me man I enjoy seeing you like this". He laughs Steve gives him a deadly stare.

Steve: "Really? You choose this time to make fun of me". They laugh.

Damien: "Man did you see yourself right now I love this look of you it's fascinating ". Steve burst out laughing.

Steve: "I'm so done with you are you sure you are my friend you should be comforting me not what you saying right now". Damien chuckles.

Damien: "I want to see you smile and laugh a bit you were going crazy just moment ago I wanted to lighten the mood". Steve nodded.

Steve: "I know, man I appreciate what you did now I can breathe". He sit down.

Damien: "Everything will work out man don't worry too much talk to your wolf clear your mind out a bit hang out with your pack just try to forget about anything you will see things will work out". They hear a scream coming from the lounge they run outside. Emily is holding her phone eyes widen Tris takes it from her she read them glanced at Alpha Steve. Collen also make a scene running inside the house.

Collen: "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT". They shot him a look.

Steve: "Collen stop cussing tell me what is going on".

Emily: "Alpha he announced it". Damien and Steve glanced at them confused.

Damien: "Announced what who did?".

Collen: "Jay Miller announced that he is off the market,:and is happily in a relationship with a man look here is the article". Steve takes the phone he sees Jay picture, and yes the handling is written in bold "JAY MILLER ANNOUNCE THAT HE IS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN". Steve hand is shaking Damien takes the phone way he looks at it then gives it back to Collen he take Steve hand they walk back inside his study room.

Steve: "No he--he did not do it....that-can't be true right WHY THE HELL WOULD HE DO THAT?". Damien blinks not knowing what to say his friend is really out of it. "No.....what-what will happen to him now---now that he confirmed everything". Damien shrugged.

Damien: "Steve breathe man calm down where the hell is your wolf when you need it just breathe everything happens for a reason clearly Jay has one". Steve huff sitting down on his chair. "Should I pour you a drink to tone down the anger or fear". He gulps the drink in one go. He hand Damien the glass. "Another one?". Steve nodded. He gulps it to."Whooah, man slow down".

Steve: "You know Jay must be does one ignores my calls, my texts then out of nowhere he tells the media that he is dating a man is he insane?". Damien chuckles.

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