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Ben: "Ma'am you can do anything remember don't worry about your babies they are safe Kira protected them". My fox she did that for me. "Ma'am you can fight this and you will win no one can touch you remember who you are". I can't believe I'm getting motivated by Ben I glanced at Cole he smile at me we both stand up walking out of the room we hear voices coming from downstairs we rush here there is a man on the floor Amber is holding him there something is stuck on his right shoulder I look closer it's a knife. Amber is here——why—is she here I can see tears on her face is she crying for the man who is groaning on the floor in pain.

Lady: "Do you think deceiving me will work huh Damon I took you in and feed but you now because you found your mate you want know who you are?". The man is shaking angrily he slowly get up he take off his mask. What is this? Why does he look like Damien? He—he looks exactly like Damien. I gasped they don't see me I glanced at Amber she jumps up seeing me. I feel Ben moving quickly someone screams behind me I turn finding Stephanie holding her hand that hard for blood on. So she is the one who did this. I glanced back at Amber she smiles seeing me the woman groans.

Steph: "Jocelyn help me I'm in pa—". She does not finish saying that Ben has her pinned on the wall gasping for air she gasped I don't care I want her gone she has been planning to kill me and my family. He let go of her she is groaning on the floor. The man who looks like Damien I heard she calls him Damon he takes out the knife off his skin.

Jocelyn: "If it's not the one and only Tristin do you even know who you are?". She laughs I glanced at her. "You know Damon if it was not because of her you would be with your twin brother you did not get to see your Mom she took all that away". I widened my eyes looking at her what is she talking about?. She smirk. "Ohh you don't remember I'm sure you also don't remember killing your parents Susan was very good at making people forget she did an amazing job erasing your memories". I felt the room spin I shook my head I feel like my heart is failing me I let out a loud scream the sound I made they could hear it as screaming I'm mute that scream was only in head the room started to shake I punched the ground I wanted to split it apart I felt a hand touch me I froze glancing at Cole who was scared with glassy eyes I—I almost killed my boy I cry holding him the room went to normal.

Amber: "Tristin". She was shaken up the man glanced at me in disbelief Jocelyn was smiling is she crazy? I almost killed them. She claps her hands.

Jocelyn: "That was a good show Tristin our really—". I felt my eyes glow she froze looking down at my belly I glanced down it is back my babies are back I sighed deeply. I feel my fox she is back.

"Amber! Cole! Tristin!". We hear voices calling us that is Tony's voice I smile they found us. I can't wait to see Damien. They get to get us he walks to me every step he takes I can feel his energy this man is powerful. He froze eyes on Damon everyone gasped. Amber is now next to Rick. Jocelyn laughs again

Jocelyn: "Damien Torres Jacques do you know your grandparents knew you had a twin and they knew he disappeared the day she screamed inside her head saving him from a truck that was going to kill him you all went to the same school I get why you don't remember her she had to leave the school because of that incident". I blink I don't know what to say Damien glanced at me with sad eyes he walks to me he touch my belly smiling he hugs me I hug him back smelling his scent. This woman is spilling everything on us. She is enjoying this.

Collen: "HOLY SHITTTT they look so much alike".

Josh: "Damn I can't believe it". Damien walks to Stephanie who was still in pain on the ground he does not even blinks he rip her head off.

THE MUTE MATE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now