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I was pacing up and down in my study room the phone kept ringing it's my grandmother I don't know what I will say to her. I know she is very angry at me right I would pick it up if it was grandpa calling but now it's her no I'm not picking it up. I glance at Tony who gave me a confused look.

Me: "Say it already". He nods.

Tony: "I think it will be best to pick it up because if you don't your grandma might travel here to face so you better pick it right now". I sighed he is right she might really came here which is something I don't want. I finally pick it up, and oh boy I'm already dead.

Macqua: "Boy why did you take long to answer my call you want me to come there and kill you huh?". She was very angry.

Me: "No, grandma I left my phone in my room I just heard it now sorry won't happen again". I hear her sigh.

Macqua: "Boy what am I hearing about your mate being dead is she the fake one you once mentioned what did she do?". I sighed the news broke so fast I'm so angry right now my pack does not deserve this I don't deserve this.

Me: "We also don't know what killed her, but there seemed to be something eating her from inside her body it was bad Grandma so she told me to end her life so then I did".

Macqua: "Torres you better make sure this time you find your real mate stop getting blinded by foolish spells I will came there myself if I don't hear anything about your mate stop bringing bad news to your pack your father did no such thing". I punched the wall angry.

Me: "He got himself and Mom killed because of his stupid ways I'm tired of hearing about him so please grandma don't mention him again that man was a monster I'm not like him". I hung up, and threw the phone on the wall. Tony stood up looking scared. My wolf reacted immediately, and I felt my teeth coming out I'm transforming I'm very angry I can't stop this I roar so loud Tony roars too I hear other members doing the same when the Alpha roars they all follow. I hear an unfamiliar voice talking to my wolf, but Connor blocks me from hearing it.

(Mind Link)

Connor: "Alpha calm down I know hearing about that man pisses you off please let's all calm down". I go back to my normal form Tony does the same. He walks to the whiskey he guilps on it and pours another one. I sit down.

Me: "Connor who's voice was that?".

Connor: "That was a voice of someone who don't like it when you angry because whatever you do will happen to them too". I frown.

Me: "To them? What does that supposed to mean?".

Connor: "Your mate, and her wolf so stop punching things it affects them too". I gasp then signal Tony to pour me a drink he does and gives it to me. I gulp it all.

Tony: "Man I got scared for a minute there wait.....did you hung up on your grandma?". Shit, I did I was angry I wasn't thinking clearly damnit I'm in trouble I should never done that.

Connor: "What is done is done we have to focus on the big night you need to get your act together Alpha yes I get that you are the talk of the town but soon they will talk about something else they fear you I know they don't say it on your face I'll rip them apart if they do". I smile this is the first time he say something this long I'm amazed.

Me: "Thanks man I appreciate you so did you hear Matthew Ray will be there?". He goes quiet I know he missed him yes the man I killed loved Matthew so much they shared a very big bond of a uncle and a nephew I know Connor wishes to see how old Matthew is.

THE MUTE MATE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now