Chapter 17 - A brilliant way to end a day

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- Still Megan's P.O.V - 

- I'll stay in my clothes, do you mind? – I asked her. I need to sleep and I'm not naked so for me it's ok

She nodded negatively, saying that it was ok. I walked to the other side of the bed and laid there looking at the ceiling. At this point I had already lost my sleep and my thoughts were fluid like crazy, now it was my time to be excited; my heart was going crazy with wild heartbeats, I got excited just thinking about the music and realizing that the song needed a rap part, but I didn't know what Jessie would think of it; And thinking of her, she rolled over, putting her head on my chest and her arm around my waist, how good is that? Awesome I know, but how is it going to be if she feels my heart beating so fast at this time of the night?! I looked at her, trying to see if there was any signal of her being awake but nothing, so I just got calmer and leaned my hand over her shoulder, hugging her.

The next day, I woke up with the bed empty and my alarm ringing, making me wake up with a bad mood. I needed some hours of sleep. I grabbed my phone to shut the alarm off and I don't know how, I mean, just could have been Jessie, there was a photo of me with Jessie sleeping in my arms. That made me smile and bring my good mood back.

I turned to Jessie's pillow and I found a piece of paper above it.

"Good morning, babe. Thank you for yesterday. I went to do some interviews and I will be back home for lunch. I hope to see you here when I come back.

I wish it all goes well at Arsenal, xoxo."

I answered her right away,

"Good morning beautiful, you don't have to thank me for anything, it was my pleasure to be by your side at this moment :) I don't really know how long will it take to close the contract and everything else, but I think I'll be already at home at lunchtime.

The same to your interviews babe, xoxo

Ps:. Thank you for the photo, I LOVED it."

I got off the bed and made my way to take a shower. It was so relaxing. I felt my body getting refreshed to a new day, a new career start and a new smile. After the bath, I dressed my casual but presentable clothes to go introduce myself to the Arsenal Ladies Club.

I went to the Arsenal Club at 9:30 am. The reunion to close the contract was scheduled for 10:00 am and I got the advantage of that half an hour to look at the installations of the club. It was 10:00 am now and it was time to start a new chapter in my life. The directors and the staff who work there came to greet me and get me to the meeting room to start this new chapter.

The reunion was a little boring, but still one of the most important things in my life. I was there for 2 hours, I think. I met everyone, not counting the people in the reunion, I met the coaches, masseurs, all the medical people and all the team, which was really cool. They were nice and they did their "homework", they knew my abilities. I'm not a famous footballer/soccer player, not famous at all, but I'm happy with it. I don't need fame, I need happiness, to do the job I love.

Once the contract was closed, I went home hoping that Jessie would be there already. It was 12:30 pm. I really thought that she would be there. While I entered her house, I didn't see her anywhere, and she should be here. There was no signal that she had been at home, so I decided to text her just in case that something had happened, she hasn't answered my morning text yet.

"Hey, are you okay? Shouldn't you be home? I'm already here, I'm waiting for you. Tell me something, bye."

It was 13:00 pm when she texted me back,

"Hello, little Meg. I'm so sorry. I had something to do just in lunchtime and I can't lunch with you, but we'll have dinner :)"

"No problem. I'll ask Holly if she fancies a lunch with me here. Can I invite her to come to your house? I know she's your best friend and she can come here whenever she wants, but since you're not home and this isn't my house."

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