Chapter 11 - Not coming back to yours

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-  Still Jessica’s P.O.V -

I grabbed my phone and texted her,

“I hope you’re awake. Are you ok?  Why did you leave, babe? What happened? I need you. Text me back, please babe XOX”

She replied instantly,

“I’m ok babe, I just needed to leave because I didn’t feel comfy there anymore. It’s your and Daley’s house, and I don’t belong there. I felt that I was occupying space, you two need privacy.”

“Don’t be silly babe, come back, you’re welcome here. You don’t have to leave; Daley and I will still have our privacy with you here”

 “I’m not coming back, I’m sorry. And no, you two don’t have privacy, because yesterday when I arrived home I heard something that I wished I hadn’t heard and that was when I decided come back to Essex”  

“Oh My, I’m sorry babe, I’m so sorry. I’m so embarrassed, I’m sorry. But you can come back, it will not happen again”

“You don’t have to be sorry, it’s normal, It’s what any couple in love does, you know?! I’m the one who doesn’t belong there. But you can call me every time you want babe :)”

“I know. But where are you staying if you don’t talk to Nicole anymore?
I’m worried about you, will you be ok?”

“I'm staying at the annex at Rose’s house, I’ll be okay, don’t worry xx”

“Okay babe, and what about the Arsenal Ladies thing, have you closed the contract or something? Shouldn’t you be around London?”

After that I got no answer so I think she got busy or something like that.

- Megan’s P.O.V -   

To say the truth, I’m not going to stay here in Essex, I’ll come back in the end of the day to stay in Holly’s house if she doesn’t mind but I didn’t want Jessie to know. I’m still in the car trying to understand what to do first. If talk to Nicole, call Ruby to know how she’s doing with her problems, call Rose or call my mom, I haven’t talked to her in a long while, and she’ll probably try to kill me through the phone, I’m telling you.

* Biippp… Biipp… Biipp… *

- Hello? – My mum said not recognizing the UK number

- Hi mom, how are you and dad? – I asked her softly trying not to hear her screaming

- Are you joking Meg? Do you want me to have a heart attack? Why haven’t you called me in so long? Do you have any idea of how worried I was? – She yelled.

- I’m sorry mom, I have being busy. I know you’re more important but I seriously didn’t have much free time, I’m sorry. Everything is ok with be besides Nicole being a fucking fake friend – I said to her.

- The most important thing is that you’re fine. And if she’s fake let her be fake on her own, because you’re more intelligent than her. – My mom told me

We stayed on the phone for a couple of hours talking about my dad, my sister and their life there and I talked about Rose, Nicole, my life here, my professional life and about Jessie, yup I talked about her and my unimportant feelings for her. After that, we said our goodbyes and I decided to call Ruby.

- Hey girl, how have you been? – I asked

- Fine and you? How has been your life there? – She asked, obviously trying to avoid my question

- My life has been good with some setbacks but oh well. So tell me, have you been leaving your sad thoughts on the shelf?

- Yes, I have been happy, no depression babe – She told me

- And what about the alcohol?! Still sober babe? It has been one year and some moths without alcohol; do you feel good? – I asked her; Every time I ask her about this I feel that she could feel the need to drink, but I have to know

- Yes, babe. I fell in love with my sober life, don’t worry. Sometimes you sound like my mom – She laughs

- I just like to take care of my friends, I want the best for them – I spoke

- I know, and I’m glad I have you in my life but now I have to go, show time – She informed me

- Ok, good luck and have a nice show bye, kisses – I said

- Bye girl, thanks for the call, kisses – She hung up

I looked to the clock and it was 3:00pm so lunch time has passed and I haven’t eaten anything. I called Rose to know where she was and she told me that she was at Starbucks so I went to meet her there.

As I arrived I saw Rose sitting on a corner drinking her coffee; I ordered a coffee because I didn’t want to eat, and when I looked to the waiter’s face I realized it was Nicole. I felt happy in a way to see that she’s working for her money but my heart also squeezed with her presence. I had to talk to her but at the same time I didn’t want to.

She gave me my coffee, like we didn’t knew each other or ever had talked as I did the same and made my way to Rose’s table.

- Hello – She said

- Hi Rose, thanks for waiting for me, I really need to talk to somebody who will cheer me up. – I smiled

- I’m here for it, what’s wrong? - She asked; I love the way she talks to me, like we have the same age, and that is so good, it makes me feel comfy.

I talked about Jessica, and I mean Jessica and not Jessie, because I met Jessica not Jessie, Jessie is just half of Jessica. Like Jessie is that awesome girl we want to meet and be friends and see if she’s still a normal person with her own problems. Jessica is the rest of Jessie, her bad moods, addictions, habits and all of that. I hope you understand what I mean.

Rose wanted me to stay in her house but I had to get back to London because tomorrow I’m going to close contract with Arsenal, they sent me an e-mail this morning before Jessie’s texts.

I made my way to Holly’s house, I texted her after my conversation with Rose, and she said that it would be great because she found a new style of dancing and she wanted to dance with me because it was a couple dance and she knew that I like to dance. I’m getting pro! ;)

I arrived at Holly’s house at 5:00pm and before I had time to knock, she opened the door and hugged me. We went to the living room and she played the music for the dance; as the song started I already knew what kind of dance she was talking about.

- Oh, so you discovered Kizomba, it isn’t a new style for me – I looked at her

- So you know how to dance it? – She asked excited

- Yes, but I’m already telling you that it's a sensual dance and I don’t get responsibility for some moves – I informed her

- It’s ok, I know you are a right girl and you wouldn’t do anything abusive – She smiled

- Ok, let’s start – I said

We got started and after some hours, yes hours, Holly and I we fell into the couch really tired, because we danced non-stop. Seriously, we had no breaks!

- So, you’re quite good at this – She commented

- I told you I knew some moves – I smiled

- We should go out tonight, what do you think? – She asked

- Really? You really want to go dance more, aren’t you tired yet? – I answered

- I’m tired now, but I’m gonna be alright after a shower dinner. – She said

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