Chapter 42 - Double life

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

I quickly turned the tv on since I couldn't get up and turn on the lights, it would take too long. My belly ached with laughter.

- It's just me babe – I said getting up looking at her scared face, still laughing – What do you have in your hands? – I asked wrapping my arm around her waist and the other in her hand.This was just too funny to watch – A lamp? Really? – I said laughing

- Was the first thing that came to my hand – She laughed – But wait for it I'm going to kill you... I'll just drink some water first – She laughed and turned back and I stood there laughing

I laid again on the sofa, watching TV. Until Jessie, after some minutes came silently and jumped on me.

- Ouch!  You were beautiful on Surprise Surprise – I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her

- Sorry – she kissed my chin – Was I? – She looked at me

- Yea, I loved when you tried to cover you and the girls with the vampire cape, but it didn't really work. I laughed – I laughed again remembering

- That was the only thing you liked? – She asked and pouted like a kid, but in a cute way. I loved her childish moments

- Probably the best one...- She kept looking at me – I'm joking, I loved your performance... like you're my sexy lady – I said pulling her into a kiss

It was dinner time when we decided to get up, but when Jessie got up of my body... GOD, I didn't realize that she had changed clothes and she was, now, only dressed in a shirt, that damn shirt revealing the bottom of her butt, and her damn legs, it's just impossible to resist.

- How can you be so hot? - I asked, pulling her into me with my hands on her waist bones and let my hands slid to her crotch

- And you can't take your hands off me, can you? - She said turning around, facing me, and kissed me - Let's eat - she turned around, towards the kitchen

I followed her, but my eyes kept scanning her like I couldn't stop looking at her. During the dinner, she kept teasing me. Of course, she knew the effect that she was provoking on me.

- Babe? – She asked, making me gaze her eyes and breaking my gaze from her cleavage – look at my abs – she said all happy, lifting her shirt up, revealing more of her body. She wanted to kill me with all her beauty

- and I'm the one who likes to tease, huhm – I got up and got closer to her – They look so good – I said sliding my hand through them, resting them in her waist and pulling her even closer

- I know, defiantly, working out does some magic – she laughed – Don't get overexcited lady. Finish your food – she demand kindly

She was defiantly killing me because of what I did earlier and I don't know if I liked it or not. It was too much beauty to resist, seriously. I went back to my seat and started eating and of course, Jessie continued provoking me, biting her bottom lip, her teaser eyes, she was loving it. She knew what she was doing to me but after a while, before I started to lose my mind and "attack" her, I just didn't look at her until the end of the dinner. My eyes kept looking straight to the food.

We finished and I went to clean all the stuff we used and Jessie came closer to me, and when I say closer it's like really, really closer. Filling the space between my back and her front. 

- Do you need help babe? – She whispered into my ear and pecked my neck slowly

- You're killing me – I whispered and she laughed slightly – I'm almost finishing this, you can go and get ready to sleep – I said and she turned back

After seconds of her absence, I heard a romantic song coming from the living room and then when I was about to see what she was doing, she entered the kitchen again, dancing in a very flirty, provocative and attractive way that I just sat and saw her dance to me. 

Subsequently, she extended her hand to me, inviting me to join her, I just gave her my hand. Our hands touched really softly, our fingers intertwined, she pulled me into her, and we kept dancing, exchanging glances, smiles and kisses. Afterwards, what started as a love sexual tension, ended in a love passion that filled our hearts.

The song ended and we kept embraced looking into each other's eyes, smiling.

- I love you – I whispered and at the same time, my body trembled as always. My body is always afraid to say it. Not because it isn't true, but the strong meaning of the word is frightening. 

- I love you – she whispered back and pecked my lips - We should go upstairs and sleep or see a movie, I don't know, I just wanna cuddle with you – she laughed slightly and embarrassed like a kid

- Yea, c'mon, my little baby - I smiled

We ended seeing a movie and of course, we fall asleep in the middle of it.

After that night, a few months passed, everything went okay, with some fights but nothing really important, just normal couple fights. Jessie was crazy about Christmas Time and all the preparations around this time of the year. I needed to tell her.

I was in the bedroom when I heard someone's excited screams coming from the living room. I thought I was alone at home but looks like Jessie arrived home and didn't say anything. She's hiding something. 

I went downstairs to find Jessie sat in the middle of the floor with presents around her and with a big smile on her face. She was so happy and excited for being there wrapping the presents. I loved seeing her like that.

- I'm glad to see that you didn't even went upstairs to give me a kiss. That's more important hum? – I said joking but with a serious facial expression

- No babe, it's just... Christmas you know? Presents? I couldn't take the risk of you seeing yours – She send an air-kiss.The only thing, I thought was, how am I gonna tell her? – And you know, I like to do this wrapping thing alone – she smiled

- Yea, I know. I'll let you alone then. Call me when you finish it – I said simply not mad at all

- Stay, now that you are here, sit next to me – she smiled, putting some things away, opening a space for me to sit – I missed your eyes – She said while I sat and she looked straight to them. I knew I would be fucked after she scanned my eyes

- I missed all of you – I put my tongue out – What? Stop looking at me like that, I already understood that you know that I have something to tell you – I said

- Tell me what is it then – She almost demanded

- So... I'm gonna be... I won't be here for Christmas, I'm going back to Portugal – by the quick way my mouth said it, it sounded like an easy and simple thing to say

- Why? – She asked after a brief silence

- I still have family there, babe. I have to visit them. – I looked at her

- I know, but I have it all, already, planned in my head and now, you're not going to be with me – she wasn't happy about it, but she understood. I knew she would understand.

- And there is more... I will probably stay in Portugal until New Year's Eve – I saw her face go down – I don't want you like that Jessica. I have an idea, but I don't' know if you will have time for it – I grabbed her hand

- What idea? – She mumbled

- Well... you could visit me between the days after Christmas and before New Year's Eve... - I said

- It's, actually, a good idea, but I don't have the time. I can't do it – Jessie said less sadly but still sad

- We will find a solution. I promise. – I said hugging her

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